
Vacuum Pump For Vacuum Packaging Machine

Vacuum technology is widely applied in all kinds of process, such as vacuum melting furnace, RH vacuum treatment, vacuum coating, vacuum distillation, vacuum concentration, vacuum welding, vacuum casting, vacuum coating, vacuum surface treatment, vacuum tube, vacuum drying, vacuum sterilization, food packaging, the development and utilization of solar energy, a particle accelerator, controlled nuclear fusion, and space and so on.
Usually need to vacuum pump to achieve a certain vacuum packaging machine vacuum packaging technology, to achieve the main purpose of the vacuum packing is oxygen, to help prevent food spoilage, its principle is simple, because food metamorphism causing mold mainly caused by the activity of microorganism, and the survival of most microorganisms (e.g., mold and yeast) is need oxygen, and vacuum packing is using this principle, the packaging and food within the cell oxygen smoke, lose microbial survival environment.water-ring-vacuum-pump-in-pharmaceutical-equipment-industry

The results show that when the oxygen concentration in the packaging bag is less than 1%, the growth and propagation speed of microbes will decrease sharply. When the oxygen concentration is less than 0.5%, most microbes will be inhibited and stop breeding. (note: vacuum packing can inhibit anaerobic bacteria breeding and enzyme reaction caused by food metamorphism and discoloration, so still need to combine with other auxiliary methods, such as cold storage, frozen, dehydrated, high temperature sterilization, irradiation sterilization, microwave sterilization, salt, etc.).

The vacuum pumps commonly needed in the process of vacuum packaging include XD rotary vane vacuum pump, and rotary vane vacuum unit.vacuum-pump-application-in-plastic-forming

