
The Maintenance Steps Of The Vacuum Unit

The vacuum pump unit is widely used now, although the vacuum pump unit is widely used, but many practical vacuum pump customers have ignored the maintenance of the equipment, resulting in a long time, and there are many problems in the equipment. How to maintain and maintain is a very important problem. Let’s learn about the maintenance and maintenance of vacuum pump units.

With the continuous progress of technology in all walks of life, vacuum equipment has been continuously recognized and used by everyone. It is essential for the equipment to do some maintenance work in normal use, so how should it be operated?

The maintenance steps of the vacuum unit:

1, check whether the cooling water is smooth, whether the pump body and pump cover and other parts of the leakage phenomenon.

2, regularly check the lubricating oil quality and oil level of the vacuum unit, find that deterioration and lack of oil are timely replacement and refueling.
3. Often check whether the temperature of each part is normal.

4. Check the fasteners of various parts of the vacuum unit regularly and whether there is any abnormal sound in the pump body.how-about-high-temperature-of-vacuum-pump

5. Check the value of the instrument at any time.

6, when parking, turn off the vacuum system valve of vacuum unit first, then turn off the power supply and turn off the cooling water valve.

7. In winter, cooling water from the pump body must be released after parking.

Only when the daily maintenance work of the vacuum unit is done and the failure probability of the equipment can be reduced can the equipment be made more valuable in the process of use, and the service life of the equipment can be extended while maintaining the good working performance of the equipment, and it will bring us a better profit.hydraulic-system-of-vacuum-pump-unit

