

In the chemical production, water ring vacuum pump is used to transport or suck flammable, explosive and corrosive gases. It is efficient and safe. But if the operation is improper in use, there will be some faults occasionally. The following will let us analyze the common failures and solutions of the vacuum pump.vacuum-pump-is-used-in-machinery-industry

Water ring vacuum pump common troubleshooting methods:

1. Overheating of water-ring vacuum pump motor is generally caused by excessive water supply motor overload, lack of phase, exhaust hole plugging, impeller dragging other components. At this time we need to reduce the water supply to the normal range, refer to the use of the pump instructions; check whether the wiring is firm, check the exhaust port, open the pump lid to adjust the clearance between the impeller and other components.rotary-vane-vacuum-pump-sealed-containera

2. can not start or start after the noise is too big, the water ring vacuum pump motor power supply voltage is insufficient, the pump for a long time did not cause corrosion, when the pump inhalation of sundries will happen. Check whether the power supply voltage is too low and whether the electrical wiring is reliable. If the pump has not been used for a long time to cause corrosion can be added a point of rust remover or open the pump cover to artificially remove rust; open the pump cover to remove debris.Common-troubleshooting-methods-for-water-ring-vacuum-pump

