

The general vacuum pump is mechanical vacuum pump, there are reciprocating vacuum pump, mechanical pressure pump, oil seal mechanical pump, slide valve type vacuum pump, slide type vacuum pump. Vacuum pump oil is a special lubricating oil specially prepared according to the performance requirements of mechanical vacuum pump.vacuum-parts/oil

During the operation of the vacuum pump equipment, the rotor slide or slide valve ring slides against the inner wall of the stator. In order to avoid scratches, materials are needed to lubricate the rotor. It can slide, indicating that there is a gap between the stator and rotor. In order to avoid air entry, material is required to seal. When the rotor and stator rub together at high speed, a lot of heat is generated. The above three points are the three basic functions of vacuum pump oil, lubrication, sealing and heat dissipation.What-does-vacuum-pump-oil-do

There is an oil channel in the bearing hole of the vacuum pump, which is connected with the main oil channel of the engine. The first is to set the oil intake hole, to achieve the oil intake control; The second is to set the oil hole on the shaft and sleeve at the same time. During the rotation process, when the two holes are in time for the oil inlet, the oil intake quantity can be controlled. Three is on inlet valve shaft sleeve, on CAM shaft, the shaft a week per rotation, the valve opens once, the control system for the input, into the vacuum pump of the lubricating oil by lower oil return hole to return to the engine oil pool.high-vacuum-usage-vacuum-pump-oil-of-1-L-clean-oil

