
Vacuum measurement-vacuum gauge

In vacuum technology, the pressure of isotropic neutral gas is used to express the degree of vacuum. The tool used to measure gas pressure much lower than atmospheric pressure is usually called vacuum gauge or vacuum gauge. Most of the measured gases in the designated space are mixed gases. therefore. Vacuum measurement in the general sense should belong to the full pressure measurement of mixed gas. The vacuum gauge used is also a vacuum gauge that measures the full pressure. 

Vacuum measurement technology also includes gas composition analysis and partial pressure measurement. The former is to specify which kinds of gas components are contained in the residual gas and roughly estimate their respective proportions. The latter refers to the quantitative determination of the partial pressure values ​​of various gas components under conditions that can meet certain accuracy requirements. The instruments used are basically different types of mass spectrometers. They are called residual gas analyzer and partial pressure gauge.

The vacuum gauge currently used. One is to directly calculate the pressure value of the gas from the physical quantity of pressure measured by itself. This is the absolute vacuum gauge. The other is to indirectly reflect the measured gas pressure value through the physical quantity related to the gas pressure. This is the relative vacuum gauge. Because the relative vacuum gauge must pass the calibration of the absolute vacuum gauge to accurately measure the vacuum degree. Therefore, in addition to the measurement of the total pressure and partial pressure of the gas, the vacuum measurement technology should be included. The calibration of the real meter must also be included.

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