
Vacuum acquisition system

The instrument used to obtain vacuum is called vacuum pump. According to the working principle of the pump, vacuum pump can be divided into two categories. 

The working principle of this kind of pump is to use various inspiratory action to adsorb the gas and store it temporarily or permanently in the pump. Such as sublimation pump, sputtering ion pump, getter pump with sulfuric acid and phosphorus pentoxide to absorb water vapor, low temperature pump with cold trap to capture water vapor at low temperature.

The vacuum system is a closed system which is composed of vacuum pump, vacuum valve, vacuum gauge and other elements such as cold trap according to certain requirements. Two typical vacuum systems are used in freeze-drying. One is to absorb the water vapor sublimated (or evaporated) from the drying oven with P2O5 temperature absorbent, and then the oil diffusion pump is used to remove the water vapor leaked into the system or produced during drying The other is to use cold trap to capture water vapor, use oil seal rotary pump as the front stage pump, roots pump (mechanical booster pump) as the main pump to remove the non condensable gas leaked in or produced in the drying process. These two kinds of vacuum systems can ensure that the drying chamber is in the vacuum state required by freeze-drying.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

