
Lubrication and maintenance of vacuum pump

The vacuum pump in use will produce more or less friction, we need to constantly lubricate it to keep it in good working condition, and after use, we need to maintain it for a longer time. 

Under normal working conditions, the waste grease and its dirt in the bearing and accessory space should be removed and new grease should be added after the rotating speed is 20000 h or the longest 3 years. The additional grease should account for 50% of the bearing free space and 65% of the bearing cover space. If the working conditions are very bad, the grease change cycle should be shortened accordingly.

1. If hard water is used as working fluid, it can only be used after softening treatment, or the pump can be cleaned with solution within a certain period (in order to avoid abrasion of impeller, pump body or impeller jamming, dust particles entering pump cavity along with gas and working fluid shall be washed through the flushing port at the bottom of pump cover; if hard water is used as working fluid, hard water shall be softened or periodic solvent shall be used to flush vacuum pump )。

2. The temperature of the bearing in normal operation of the motor is 15 ℃ - 20 ℃ higher than the surrounding temperature, and the maximum temperature is not allowed to exceed 55 ℃ - 60 ℃.

3. Always pay attention to check the running state of the vacuum pump and observe whether the rotation of the shaft and bearing is stable. In case of instability or jamming, the relevant parts shall be replaced and repaired immediately.

4. In case of leakage of the mechanical seal used, check whether the dynamic and static rings of the mechanical seal have been damaged, or the seal ring is aging. In case of the above situation, new parts need to be replaced.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

