
Electromagnetic vacuum belt charging valve

The electromagnetic vacuum belt charging valve is installed on the vacuum pump to prevent the pump oil from returning, thus avoiding the pump oil from polluting the vacuum chamber. The valve can be sealed in positive direction, but not in reverse. 

When the solenoid valve is closed or suddenly cut off, the pilot valve inflates the upper cylinder chamber, and automatically closes the vacuum system according to the atmospheric pressure difference, and then fills the pump chamber with atmosphere. When the valve is powered on, the pilot valve cuts off the atmosphere and connects the upper cylinder to make the vacuum pump pump pump pump air to the upper cylinder. The piston is pushed by the spring force to open the valve plate. The vacuum pump normally vacuumizes the vacuum system. When there is no pressure difference on both sides of the valve plate, the valve can not be used, and the valve plate is in swimming state. It should be noted that the installation height of the valve should be more than 1000mm higher than the suction port of the vacuum pump, so as to avoid direct impact on the valve core channel due to the return oil of the pump.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

