
water pump selection principle

The key to the selection and matching of water pump lies in the rational selection of water pump. Pump type selection is to determine the type, model and number of pumps according to the characteristic lift, design flow and its change rule of pump station.

(1) It should meet the requirements of design flow, design head and water supply and drainage in different periods.

(2) In the long-term operation of water pump, the efficiency of pump station is high and the operation cost is low under the multi-year average head; in the highest and lowest head, the water pump should be able to operate safely and stably without leaving the working range of high-efficiency area of water pump. Under various working conditions of the design standard, the pump unit does not appear cavitation, vibration, overload and other phenomena.

(3) Series, standardization and renewal products are preferred. The pump type with good performance, wide high efficiency area and suitable for the change of pump head and flow shall be selected. When the series of products can not meet the requirements, new products can be developed and trial manufactured according to the specified procedures. For the pump station with large head variation, the pump with steep Q ~ H curve should be selected; for the pump station with large flow variation, the pump with gentle Q ~ H curve should be used.

(4) According to the selected unit to build the station, the equipment investment and civil construction investment are required to be the most economical, easy to construct, operate, maintain and manage.

(5) For cascade pump station, the model and number of pumps shall ensure the flow coordination requirements between the upper and lower pump stations.

(6) Try to take into account the characteristics of comprehensive utilization and development of water conservancy.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

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