
Basis and conditions of vacuum pump selection

1. System requirements for vacuum degree

According to the requirements of the system for vacuum degree, the pump with corresponding limit vacuum is selected. Generally, the limit vacuum of the pump is 0.5-1 order of magnitude higher than that of the system.

2. Pressure range during normal operation of the system

The pressure range required for normal operation of the pump must meet the working pressure required by the system.

3. The type, composition, impurity of the extracted gas and the limit requirements for pollution during the operation of the system

The properties of the extracted gas and the requirements for pollution are important conditions for the selection of vacuum pumps with different characteristics. It is not only related to the performance of the pump at work, but also directly related to the working life and maintenance of the pump. Especially in the chemical production, it is often a key factor in the correct selection of the pump. Micro pump manufacturer

4. Air volume or volume flow of the system

This is the main basis for choosing a certain type of vacuum pump. Just like the micro vacuum pump, the average flow of air extraction is 6L / min, and the peak flow is 10L / min, which is the main parameter different from other products.

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