
Energy saving vacuum system

According to the calculation, after recognizing the pumping speed of vacuum pump, it is necessary to carefully consider the type of pump. For example, for the oil sealed mechanical pump with pumping speed of 150L / s, the slide valve pump needs 17kw of driving power, while the cycloid pump only uses 13kw. If the latter is selected for long-time operation, it will save much electric energy, and has small volume, light weight, small oscillation and convenient repair. The transmission power of the direct coupled pump is better than that of the V-belt drive.

Also such as oil laxity pump, oil booster pump thermal power is very low, long starting time, will also consume a lot of energy and time, so can choose low transpiration latent heat oil as working fluid. In the heating system of the pump, the heating power is reduced from 30kW to 20kW, and the pumping effect is the same. Then roots vacuum pump starts quickly, especially suitable for the system with frequent starting. If the oil booster pump or fault expansion pump is selected, the system will not stop the pump during the non operation period, wasting energy in vain. It is also a good way to save energy.

In the vacuum system of roots pump, the pressure difference between the outlet and the inlet of roots pump should not be too large, otherwise it will bring too much power consumption. Because the power consumption of this pump is proportional to the pressure difference. Generally, a small roots pump is connected in series to save power consumption.

CL Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Blowers

Roots Vacuum Pump 

