
Unreasonable factors of process medium injection point of vacuum pump

In front of the first flange of the vacuum pump, the temperature of the gas inhaled is 238 ℃. The distance between the first flange and the rotor of the machine is not more than 400mm, and the gas flow rate is very fast and the time is very short. To reduce the process gas from 238 ℃ to 4.8 ℃, to meet the requirements of vacuum pump inlet temperature, the process design is to add a 1-inch pipe nozzle to the pump inlet flange, and inject ethylbenzene to achieve the cooling purpose. 

The injection amount of ethylbenzene is regulated by the control valve on the pipeline. There are two problems: one is the unreasonable design of the injection point, which results in short cooling time and difficult to guarantee the suction temperature of the pump; the other is that once the control valve fails, the working temperature of the equipment will rise comprehensively, resulting in the pump failure.

In addition, before the vacuum pump is damaged, the contact wear between the rotor and the rotor and between the rotor and the shell has experienced a long time. During this period, abnormal temperature, abnormal sound and increased vibration occur. If the inspection personnel pay attention to it, the accident can also be avoided.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

