
Reasonable selection of vacuum pump according to metallurgical gas quantity

The air source of vacuum metallurgical equipment in cold furnace pre pumping and hot state exercise is: 1) the atmosphere in the extracted space (related to the volume to be pumped); 2) the gas released during the process (including the generated and imported gas, which is related to the time, temperature, pressure and production process); 3) the surface gas released in the vacuum (related to the type of data, surface product, time, temperature and pressure, etc.) (4) gas leakage and infiltration (related to leakage rate of system components, welding quality of dynamic and static sealing components of equipment and structural materials), and (5) transpiration gas caused by data vapor pressure (related to temperature and pressure). 

In order to ensure the demand of metallurgical process, the planning of vacuum system is to select appropriate vacuum components such as pumps and valves according to the above-mentioned gas flow, and put forward reasonable placement scheme according to the process of gas extraction, so as to achieve the goal of removing the gas in the space to be evacuated, overcome the outgassing and leakage, and make the vacuum chamber always adhere to the required vacuum degree.

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