
Detailed introduction of dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

Detailed introduction of dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump is also called vortex pump, regeneration pump, etc. It is called dry Scroll Vacuum Pump because it sucks and discharges liquid by the action of vortex motion caused by the rotation of impeller. According to different types, vortex pump can be divided into single-stage vortex pump, centrifugal vortex pump, stainless steel dry Scroll Vacuum Pump and other vortex pumps.

At present, the flow rate of general Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump is 0.2 ~ 27m3 / h. The working principle of general vortex pump when the prime mover drives the impeller in the pump to rotate through the shaft, the liquid enters the flow passage from the suction population, and is impacted by the centrifugal force of the rotating impeller, falling into the surrounding annular flow passage, so that the liquid rotates in the flow passage. Because every liquid particle is affected by centrifugal force, the liquid inside the impeller is more affected by centrifugal force, while the liquid inside the runner is less affected by centrifugal force. Because of the different magnitude of centrifugal force, the liquid makes longitudinal vortex motion. The liquid circulates through the passage between the blades many times in the passage by the longitudinal vortex.

Every time the liquid passes through the passage between blades, the head will be increased once, and finally the liquid will be squeezed out and discharged from El. After the liquid is discharged, a local vacuum will be formed in the passage between the blades, and the liquid will continuously enter the impeller from the suction port, and repeat the above movement process. In this way, the vortex pump sucks the liquid at the same time and discharges the liquid at the same time, so as to work continuously. It can be seen from the working principle of general vortex pump that it is like the function of multi-stage centrifugal pump. Each blade passage is equivalent to one stage, and the energy increases once the liquid passes through the passage. Therefore, the head of general vortex pump is 2-5 times larger than that of centrifugal pump under the same impeller diameter, so it is a high head and small flow pump. Compared with the centrifugal pump with the same performance, the volute pump is smaller and lighter; compared with the volute pump with the same head, the volute pump has much smaller size and simpler structure. So the general vortex pump has the advantages of simple structure, compact, small volume, light weight and low cost.

Roots vacuum pump
Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor
Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump

What kinds of vacuum pumps are there in the vacuum system?

What kinds of vacuum pumps are there in the vacuum system?

Vacuum system is composed of vacuum chamber, vacuum pump or vacuum unit, vacuum pipeline, vacuum valve, trap and other vacuum components, electrical control system, etc. it is widely used in electronic semiconductor industry, photoelectric backlight module, mechanical processing and other industries. Vacuum system is often composed of several vacuum pumps, which play a role in different fields according to their characteristics.

1. Main pump

The main pump is used to obtain the required vacuum degree to meet the specific process requirements of the vacuum pump. According to the different limit pressure required by the vacuum system, the limit pressure of the main pump in the selection process is generally half to an order of magnitude lower than the limit pressure required by the system.

2. Crude pump

Crude pumping pump is a vacuum pump that starts pumping at atmospheric pressure and reduces the pressure of the pumped system to that of the main pump system.

The pressure reached by the crude pump must be less than the starting working pressure of the main pump. The crude pump can also be used as a pre-stage pump.

3. Front pump

The former stage pump is a vacuum pump which maintains the pressure of the former stage of a pump lower than the critical pressure of the former stage. The pre pump can also be used as a crude pump, but it must meet the requirements of pre pumping time and vacuum degree.

At the same time, the pre vacuum condition required for the operation of the main pump shall be met by the pre stage pump; under the maximum allowable exhaust pressure of the main pump, the pre stage pump must discharge the maximum amount of gas discharged by the main pump in time, and the pumping speed of the pre stage pump shall be in accordance with the actual pumping speed of the pump at the actual inlet pressure.

4. Maintenance pump

Maintenance pump means that when the air volume in the vacuum system is very small, it can not effectively use the previous pump. Therefore, an auxiliary pump with a smaller pumping speed is equipped in the vacuum system to maintain the normal operation of the main pump or the low pressure vacuum pump required by the evacuated system.

How To Select Vacuum Pump In Chemical Industry

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

How to choose high quality dry screw vacuum pump

How to choose high quality dry screw vacuum pump?

Dry screw pump is a new type of vacuum pump, which is a new product of traditional vacuum pump. Because of its unique design principle, it can be oil-free and water-free, can be used as corrosion-resistant coating, and has excellent sealing design. In addition to its slightly expensive price, it will far surpass the performance of traditional vacuum pump in any aspect, and will have a great market prospect in the future.

We can select and judge high-quality dry screw vacuum pump through the following points:

1. Limit vacuum degree: of course, the lower the limit vacuum degree is, the better. At present, the domestic vacuum degree is generally about 5pa, and the imported vacuum degree is about 1pA.

2. Vibration and noise: the vibration must be small, and the noise must be less than 80 decibels.

3. If it is used in a corrosive environment, it is better to ask the manufacturer for a sample of the same coating, and take it to the factory for the test in the medium solution. The coating or coating ratio used by each manufacturer is different, and its performance will be greatly different.

4. Sealing: This is also very important, but it can only be understood from the manufacturer's recommendation. The most direct way is to determine whether there is leakage through the medium after connecting to the system.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump For Chemical Applications

What Is The Difference Between Large And Small Vacuum Pumps

Factors Affecting The Performance Of Water Ring Vacuum Pump


Oil return treatment of vacuum pump

Oil return treatment of vacuum pump

Vacuum pump is a kind of vacuum equipment commonly used in modern times. Usually, when we use it, we often add oil and lubricate it. After a long time of use, some equipment will have reverse oil. How should we deal with it.

1. The molecular weight of vacuum pump oil is large.

2. In order to reduce the limit pressure of the equipment, it is required that the saturated steam pressure of vacuum unit oil at room temperature should be low.

3. In order to make the equipment work under high outlet pressure, the saturated vapor pressure of vacuum pump oil at boiling temperature should be as large as possible.

4. The thermal stability of vacuum pump oil will not change the performance of oil due to oxidation when contacting with atmosphere. Low freezing point and low temperature viscosity.

In general, when using vacuum pump, the influence of lubricating oil on the ultimate pressure is great. In the same structure diffusion vacuum unit, in the vacuum system, the partial pressure of the pumped gas will also change with different pump oil. In the later stage, we should pay more attention to these points when we carry out oil filling treatment.

Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor
Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump
Dry Type Vacuum Pump

Limit pressure of water ring vacuum pump

Limit pressure of water ring vacuum pump

When using the water ring vacuum pump, we should know the limit pressure, so that it can be well used in the production line when using, and different models will bring different pressure.

1、 Ultimate relative pressure

The relative pressure is how much lower the measured internal pressure is than the "atmospheric pressure". Because the air inside the container is pumped, the pressure inside is always lower than the pressure outside the container. Therefore, when expressed in terms of relative pressure or gauge pressure, the value must be preceded by a minus sign, indicating that the internal pressure of the container is lower than the external pressure.

2、 Ultimate pressure

The pressure is how much higher the measured internal pressure is than the "theoretical vacuum". The object it compares is the theoretical vacuum pressure. Due to the limitation of technology, we can not pump the internal pressure to the value of 0 PA, so the vacuum value of water ring vacuum pump is higher than the theoretical vacuum value.

We need to pay attention to the ultimate pressure of water ring vacuum pump, and pay more attention to these points when using later.

Vacuum System In Oil Industry

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Assembly requirements of 2SK vacuum pump

2SK vacuum pump is widely used in machinery, petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, sugar industry and electronic industry. In order to ensure the use efficiency of the equipment, we need to understand the relevant knowledge about the equipment in advance. So when the equipment is installed, we need to understand the assembly instructions of the equipment first.

1. Clean the gasket left on the fitting surface and wipe it carefully before assembly.

2. Remove the old oil in the bearing and bearing frame of 2SK vacuum pump and replace with new oil.

3. The assembly sequence is the reverse of the disassembly sequence.

At the same time, the clearance between the impeller end face and the disc on the end cover shall be adjusted during the assembly, because the size of the clearance will directly affect the performance of 2SK vacuum pump, and the total clearance on both sides must be adjusted according to the specified clearance requirements, so as to better meet the use regulations of 2SK vacuum pump.

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump In Benzoic Acid Plant

Oil Free Vacuum Pump In Polytetrafluoroethylene Piston Ring

Water Ring Vacuum Pump Heat Dissipation Scheme


How to drain oil by liquid ring vacuum pump

How to drain oil by liquid ring vacuum pump

Do you know how to drain oil from liquid ring vacuum pump? Let's learn more today!

1. If you want to drain all the oil in the liquid ring vacuum pump box, you can unscrew the drain plug at the lower part of the box to drain the oil.

2. When the liquid ring vacuum pump discharges oil, the height of liquid level from the top plate of the oil tank shall not exceed 30mm to ensure the lubrication and cooling of each bearing in the pump. When the volume of Jack working chamber is too large, additional oil tank shall be set to ensure that the minimum height of liquid level after oil discharge is not less than 100mm to avoid suction.

3. After the first 500h operation of the speed regulating hydraulic Siemens liquid ring vacuum pump, the oil tank and oil filter shall be changed and cleaned. Test the oil quality by visual inspection and laboratory test, and change the oil in time when the oil quality deteriorates. The oil tank and oil filter must be cleaned at the same time when changing oil. If there are metal chips or water in the oil, find out the cause and remove the fault.

4. In a short time when the liquid level drops, the bearing is lubricated by the oil attached and the oil splashed by the plunger spring. The oil filter of the oil tank and the oil filter under the pump are made of 230 mesh / inch copper wire mesh. The oil filter mesh should be cleaned frequently to prevent blocking. When in use, the oil temperature of the oil tank should not exceed 60 ℃, and appropriate measures should be taken to cool it if necessary.

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump

Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor

Dry Type Vacuum Pump

Characteristics of water ring vacuum pump in Germany

Characteristics of water ring vacuum pump in Germany

Recently many customers have asked about the water ring vacuum pump, so what's the difference between the German imported water ring vacuum pump and the domestic water ring vacuum pump? Why are imported pumps so expensive? Let's take a look at the features of the imported water ring vacuum pump with Xiaobian? Characteristics of water ring vacuum pump in Germany

1. The mechanical seal made in Germany, whose dynamic and static rings and shafts are O-rings, has better sealing effect, high temperature resistance, safety and reliability, and is easy to disassemble,

2. It is equipped with stainless steel disc as standard, which is suitable for various working conditions, especially high temperature and corrosive occasions. The impeller material can also be stainless steel,

3. The sealing method of flat ring plate is O-ring, which is more reliable and convenient for maintenance than that of rubber used in the market,

4. The impeller is installed eccentrically, with small starting current, low noise, relatively low load during operation, reducing power consumption.

Vacuum Pump In Condenser

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

How to choose roots vacuum unit

How to choose roots vacuum unit?

How to choose a good roots vacuum machine? What should we pay attention to? But to choose a Roots vacuum machine, you need to choose the right pressure, otherwise it will not work for the enterprise. Here is a small compilation to share the knowledge about roots vacuum machine for you.

It is very important to choose the speed ratio between roots pump and the front pump of roots pump vacuum unit. Because the compression ratio of Robo pump is very limited. This compression ratio determines the capacity of the previous pump, because the compression ratio is the inverse ratio of the pumping speed of the two pumps. Generally, the compression ratio is within 2-10. In addition, we should consider the requirements of pre pumping time. Vacuum equipment is used as auxiliary equipment in all kinds of mechanical equipment. If the normal working time is much longer than the pre pumping time, a smaller front stage pump can be selected (the compression ratio can be larger). If the vacuum is larger and it is required to pre pump quickly, a larger front stage pump will be used. Sometimes, in order to give full play to the efficiency of the equipment, a larger pre pumping pump is installed in front of the unit, which is stopped after normal operation, and maintained by a smaller pre pump, so as to save power. How to choose roots vacuum unit?

The requirements for the ultimate pressure of Roots vacuum pump unit are also necessary to be considered when selecting the front stage pump. The high requirements for the ultimate vacuum degree (up to 1 × 10-3 PA ~ 1 × 10-2 PA pressure) generally select the two-stage rotary vane oil seal mechanical pump or two-stage sliding Yan mechanical pump as the front stage pump. The mechanical pump with single-stage oil seal can be used as the front pump when the limit vacuum is between (1 × 10-2Pa ~ 1 × 10-1pa), and the reciprocating vacuum pump or liquid ring vacuum pump can be used as the front pump when the limit vacuum is between 133 ~ 1333pa.

Roots Vacuum Unit Specification And Precautions

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump Operation And Maintenance

Water Ring Vacuum Pump System Type


Selection of water ring vacuum pump

Selection of water ring vacuum pump

The type of water ring vacuum pump is mainly determined by the pumped medium, air volume required for operation, vacuum degree or exhaust pressure.

There are two points to pay attention to after the water ring vacuum pump works normally:

1. As far as possible, the vacuum degree of the selected vacuum pump is required to operate in the high efficiency range, that is, in the critical vacuum degree or the critical exhaust pressure area, so as to ensure that the vacuum pump can work normally according to the required conditions and requirements. Operation near the maximum vacuum degree or the maximum exhaust pressure range of the vacuum pump shall be avoided. In this area, not only the efficiency is very low, but also the work is very unstable, which is easy to make the vacuum pump produce vibration and noise. For vacuum pumps with high vacuum degree, cavitation often occurs when they operate in this area. The obvious phenomenon is noise and vibration in the vacuum pump. Excessive cavitation will cause damage to pump body, impeller and other parts, so that the vacuum pump can not work normally.

It can be seen that when the vacuum degree or gas pressure required by the vacuum pump is not high, it can be selected preferentially in the single-stage pump. If the requirements for vacuum degree or exhaust pressure are high, the single-stage pump is often unable to meet the requirements, or the pump is still required to have a large amount of gas under the condition of high vacuum degree, that is, the performance curve is required to be relatively flat under the condition of high vacuum degree, so the two-stage pump can be selected. If the vacuum degree is required to be above - 710mmhg, roots water ring vacuum unit can be selected as the vacuum pumping device.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Roots vacuum pump

Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor

Exhaust principle of water ring vacuum pump

Water ring vacuum pump is a kind of crude vacuum pump. The limit vacuum it can obtain is 2000 ~ 4000Pa, and the series atmospheric ejector can reach 270 ~ 670pa. Water ring pump can also be used as compressor, which is called water ring compressor. It belongs to low-pressure compressor, and its pressure range is 1 ~ 2 × 105Pa gauge pressure.

Water ring pump was first used as self absorption pump, and then gradually used in many industrial sectors such as petroleum, chemical industry, machinery, mining, light industry, medicine and food. In many industrial processes, such as vacuum filtration, vacuum water diversion, vacuum feeding, vacuum evaporation, vacuum concentration, vacuum moisture return and vacuum degassing, water ring pump is widely used. Due to the rapid development of vacuum application technology, water ring pump has been paid more and more attention in the aspect of obtaining crude vacuum. Because the gas compression in the water ring pump is isothermal, it can pump out flammable and explosive gas, in addition, it can also pump out the gas containing dust and water. Therefore, the application of water ring pump is increasing day by day.

The pump body is filled with appropriate amount of water as working fluid. When the impeller rotates clockwise according to the direction indicated in the figure, the water is thrown around by the impeller. Due to the centrifugal force, the water forms a closed ring of approximately equal thickness, which is determined by the shape of the pump cavity. The inner surface of the upper part of the water ring is just tangent to the impeller hub, and the inner surface of the lower part of the water ring is just in contact with the top of the blade (in fact, the blade has a certain insertion depth in the water ring). At this time, a crescent space is formed between the impeller hub and the water ring, and this space is divided into several small cavities with equal number of blades by the impeller. If the upper 0 ° of the impeller is taken as the starting point, the volume of the small cavity will increase from small to large when the impeller is 180 ° before rotation, and it is connected with the suction port on the end face. At this time, the gas will be inhaled, and when the suction is finished, the small cavity will be isolated from the suction port; when the impeller continues to rotate, the small cavity will change from large to small, so that the gas will be compressed; when the small cavity is connected with the exhaust port, the gas will be discharged out of the pump.

How To Vacuum Pump Maintance

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Selection of dry vacuum pump

The specifications and models of dry vacuum pump are various, and the manufacturers are different, and there are certain differences in the number of products. As a customer, what should we pay attention to in the whole process?

1. Whether the vibration produced during the operation of dry vacuum pump affects the process and environment. If all production processes are not allowed, choose vibration free pump or take vibration isolation measures.

2. Master the components of the steam absorber. The steam body does not contain condensate gas, water vapor, particle dust and corrosion. In the selection process, it is necessary to establish the knowledge of steam body parts and select the relative dry vacuum pump. If the steam, particulate matter and the steam body in the steam body are corroded, the mechanical equipment such as cooler, heat exchanger and dust removal equipment on the inlet pipe of the pump shall be replaced.

3. Under pressure, all steam volume caused in the whole process of vacuum technology processing shall also be discharged.

4. Make up mechanical pump properly. Because the pump has optional vacuumizing, sometimes it is not allowed to consider the vacuumizing regulations when using a pump. Several types of pumps must be combined to fill each other before the vacuumizing regulations can be considered.

5. Regulations of vacuum technology on oil environmental pollution. If there is no oil stain in the strict management of machinery and equipment, all kinds of gasoline free pumps should be selected.

6. Properly select the working position of dry vacuum pump. Each pump often has a certain range of working gas pressure, and the working position of the pump should be set in this range, which is more suitable, rather than allowing it to work for a long time under 25 ~ 30mmhg.

7. How does the discharged oil vapor harm the natural environment. If the natural environment does not allow environmental pollution, you can choose the one without oil stain or exhaust the oil vapor outdoors.

8. The limit vacuum pump of vacuum technology and the regulation of gas pressure in operation should be considered.

9. Price, transportation cost and maintenance cost of the dry vacuum pump.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump Load Of Motor Not Stable

Roots Vacuum Pump Design

How To Solve The Leakage Problem Of Water Ring Vacuum Pump

rotary vane vacuum pump in petroleum transportation

rotary vane vacuum pump in petroleum transportation

There are a lot of volatilization in oil storage and transportation in other places, causing waste and environmental pollution. Therefore, in these cases, rotary vane vacuum pumps for oil and gas recovery are usually provided for oil and gas recovery operations. At present, the oil and gas recovery process mainly includes adsorption, adsorption, shrinkage and membrane separation. Adsorption is the most commonly used economic and reasonable recovery method.

How does the oil and gas recovery vacuum pump play a role in the oil and gas recovery process?

The adsorption method of oil and gas recovery mainly goes through the general process of "adsorption vacuum desorption gasoline recovery". The main function of rotary vane vacuum pump in oil and gas recovery is desorption. The early oil and gas recovery vacuum pump generally used water ring vacuum pump, which has the characteristics of compact structure, isothermal compression and simple operation.

After various vacuum pumps continue to appear, the disadvantages of water ring vacuum pump are obvious: low efficiency, generally around 30%, good can reach 50%; unstable vacuum performance, easily affected by working fluid temperature; oil and gas recovery may be mixed with working fluid, difficult to separate, and sewage can not be discharged directly. Especially in the high temperature season in summer, on the one hand, the suction capacity of the water ring vacuum pump is greatly affected by the temperature rise of the working fluid, on the other hand, the oil and gas volatilization is more serious, and the burden of the vacuum pump is increased. The overlapping of these two factors leads to the failure of water ring vacuum pump to achieve effective desorption in oil and gas recovery.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces
Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor
Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump

vacuum pump in lithium battery industry

As a very special metal, lithium is suitable for the environment with high requirements, so there are very high requirements for processing and use. Now the technology is getting better and better, making lithium become the mainstream direction in the field of lithium battery, and the development prospect of lithium battery is very good. If you want to have a high cycle life of lithium battery, you need to use vacuum pump

In the production of lithium battery, the most commonly used one is that we know vacuum handling and adsorption. In the realization of automation in life, this kind of rotary vane vacuum pump can be realized. In addition, rotary vane vacuum pump will be used in the oven and liquid injection packaging. In the oven, the vacuum requirements are relatively high, above - 95kpa, the higher the better, the lower the liquid injection requirements. Part of the plant is made into a central vacuum system for the whole plant, which can also be separated. Because of the corrosiveness of the extracted gas, attention should be paid when selecting the pump.

Vacuum Pump Maintenance Details

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump

What is water ring vacuum pump

Reasons for insufficient sealing of screw vacuum pump

Reasons for insufficient sealing of screw vacuum pump

When people use screw vacuum pump, some of them will have the actual sealing effect reduced. They are willing to solve the problem. People must first understand the reasons for this situation. The following will give you a detailed introduction.

1. Microbial sludge pollution is less, full of yellowing space, which endangers the compensation effect of yellowing on the sealing performance, increases the damage of friction pairs of dynamic and static rings, and endangers the sealing performance. Auxiliary sealing ring. Effect, the emergence of this situation, requires people to remove the screw vacuum pump every quarter.

2. The slow erosion of the sealing ring of screw vacuum pump caused by the addition of organic chemicals will lead to ineffective sealing. I think that before the application of chemicals, the manufacturers with working experience choose the less corrosive or even organic chemicals.

3. The working fluid often contains toxic bacteria, microbial mud, calcium ions and related organic chemicals, which erode all the metal parts of the machine seal, seriously endangering the sealing performance of the screw vacuum pump. Actual effect and application time.

4. During the filling process of upstream and downstream catalyst carriers, most of the soot will be removed according to the brushing process, but with the increase of operation time and the corrosion of material whirlwind, new smoke and dust will inevitably be generated. The dust in the screw vacuum pump enters the sealing position of the mechanical seal anytime and anywhere, causing damage, which requires quarterly maintenance and cleaning.

5. The working fluid (containing calcium ions) of screw vacuum pump and carbon dioxide in reducing materials reflect that the converted calcium bicarbonate damages the machine seal. This is inevitable, but people can do quarterly maintenance. Try to avoid problems in this line.

Screw Vacuum Pump For Coating Equipment

Vacuum Pump Unit Application

Oil Free Vacuum Pump In Industry Application


dry screw vacuum pump market potential

dry screw vacuum pump market potential

At present, the application of dry screw vacuum pump is very extensive, and the demand is infinite, so the development prospect of dry screw vacuum pump is also excellent, mainly from these aspects. The development prospect of the total dry screw vacuum pump is very good.

In the future, for the oil industry in oil production, oil transportation and oil refining, the demand for high-efficiency water injection pump, heavy oil pump, oil pipeline pump and screw pump will increase greatly, and the demand for different types of industrial pumps will be about 140000-150000 sets. For the three chemical pumps, the market for large-scale fertilizer Methylamine Pump, large and medium-sized high-temperature and high-pressure magnetic pump, and special material non-metallic chemical pump will also expand, and the demand for all kinds of chemical pumps will be 100000-120000.

At present, the model of dry screw vacuum pump is used in many working occasions. The whole adaptability of dry screw vacuum pump is strong and its efficiency is high. Recently, the design trend of dry screw vacuum pump is mainly designed for specific working conditions, which is more targeted, and the designed screw pump has high efficiency.

Dry screw vacuum pump is widely used in many industries, such as chemical plants, mines, pharmaceutical plants, food factories and so on. Now, the application of dry screw vacuum pump is very extensive, the demand is infinite, so the development prospect of dry screw vacuum pump is excellent, mainly from these aspects.

1、 With the development of industry, the application of dry screw vacuum pump is larger, and the service life of dry screw vacuum pump is longer;

2、 This kind of dry screw vacuum pump is a better one at present. It will be used for a long time in the future, and it is unique. It is difficult to replace other equipment.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces
Roots vacuum pump
Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor

Troubleshooting of vacuum degree of vacuum pump

Troubleshooting of vacuum degree of vacuum pump

Vacuum degree indicates the thinness of gas in vacuum state. Usually expressed as absolute pressure and relative pressure. If the pressure in the measured equipment is lower than atmospheric pressure, a vacuum gauge is required for pressure measurement. The value read from the vacuum gauge is called vacuum degree.

The cause of vacuum degree failure of vacuum pump is not the only one, and our detection method is very single. The whole system has only one vacuum meter, which can only reflect the final pumping result of the system, but not the process quantity of each unit at a certain time, which brings a lot of inconvenience for fault finding and increases the troubleshooting time.

At present, the troubleshooting method is basically elimination method, and the steps are as follows:

1. Determine the accuracy of vacuum degree instrument of vacuum pump;

2. Ensure that the system shut-off valve is free of leakage;

3. If the fault is the manifestation of phenomenon I, it is necessary to check the external leakage of the whole system;

4. If the fault is the manifestation of phenomenon II, first check whether the parameters of steam, water and other energy media are abnormal. If not, check each check valve. If not, conduct system performance test to determine which stage of pump has performance problems, and check the nozzle and steam valve of the pump.

Vacuum Pumping System

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump

What is water ring vacuum pump

Vacuum system of refrigeration equipment

Vacuum system of refrigeration equipment

Vacuum pumping is an essential process before filling refrigerant in the process of production or maintenance of refrigeration equipment. That is, the vacuum pump is connected with the refrigeration system pipeline to remove the non condensable gas and water in the system pipeline.

Hazards of not vacuuming:

Blocking the pipeline: if the water content of the system exceeds a certain limit, an ice block will be formed at the capillary outlet, so that the refrigerant can not circulate normally.

Corrosion: water reacts with refrigerant, hydrochloric acid and fluorine acid will damage the insulation layer of compressor.

Copper plating and rusting: the oxygen in the residual air reacts with hydrochloric acid and copper to produce copper plating, which corrodes the copper and iron parts in the system pipes and shortens the service life of system parts.

Decomposition of refrigerant: oxide produced by corrosion will accelerate the decomposition of refrigerant.

Deterioration and aging of lubricating oil: the oxygen in the residual air will oxidize the frozen lubricating oil to decompose and deteriorate the lubricating oil.

Method and process of vacuumizing:

1. Before operation, check that the vacuum pump is placed horizontally, the sealing gasket is not damaged, and the pressure gauge of the vacuum gauge is set to zero.

2. Place the vacuum pump on the indoor ground (safe, stable and convenient for operation).

3. The fluorine adding tube, vacuum meter and vacuum pump are combined.

4. Unscrew the nut at the fluorine adding port from the valve, screw the fluorine adding pipe onto the fluorine adding port, and confirm whether the thimble is in place.

5. First open the vacuum meter, then turn on the power switch of the vacuum pump, and start vacuumizing. The vacuum degree of normal system shall be below - 756mmhg. The vacuumizing time shall be determined according to the size of refrigeration system and vacuum pump.

6. After the evacuation operation, quickly remove the fluorine adding pipe and vacuum gauge, and then fully open the valve again.

After opening the refrigeration system valve, pay attention to whether the pressure of the vacuum gauge rises. If there is a rise, it means that there is a leak in the refrigeration system. If there is a leak, find out the cause and solve it. Then repeat the above vacuum pumping process.

Treatment Of Air Leakage In Vacuum Pump

How To Reduce The Noise Of Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump Maintenance

Roots water ring vacuum pump unit for fine chemical industry

Roots water ring vacuum pump unit for fine chemical industry

Several roots water ring vacuum pump units have been used in a fine chemical company to produce additives. However, the vacuum degree of many roots water ring vacuum pump units used has always been at - 0.093mpa or below, and it is easy to heat, resulting in the burning of Roots vacuum pump motor.

The vacuum pump manufacturer that the fine chemical company purchased before has no one to provide on-site service, and then it has no end. Through inquiring many vacuum pump manufacturers, middlemen and sellers on the Internet, and the methods on the website, we can't find a suitable solution for roots water ring vacuum pump unit.

Later, I found us through the Internet and tried to consult again. Engineers communicate patiently, as well as in-depth technical exchanges. Step by step, guide the fine chemical company how to inspect one by one, and understand the root cause of the problem from various inspections.

The performance and stability of roots water ring vacuum pump unit are based on the premise that good performance of water ring vacuum pump is needed to bring the performance of Roots vacuum pump into full play. So that roots water ring vacuum pump unit really play its due role.

If the water ring vacuum pump with poor quality is used as the front stage pump of roots water ring vacuum pump unit, the matching water ring vacuum pump can not meet the design requirements, and the performance of water ring vacuum pump can not play naturally. When the vacuum degree is above - 0.092mpa, the air pumping capacity is insufficient to drive roots vacuum pump, so that the performance of roots water ring vacuum pump can play as the state of calf tractor ; 2. In addition to the importance of selecting the quality of water ring vacuum pump, the rationality of management and installation design is also very important. The pipeline design is unreasonable and too many bends. During the transportation of chemical materials or the operation of roots water ring vacuum pump unit, a small amount of chemical materials are often entered in the process of suction, which is easy to form a solid at the turning and block the pipeline.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces
Roots vacuum pump
Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor

Water ring vacuum pump for foam plant

Water ring vacuum pump for foam plant

In the production and manufacture of foam products, foam factories need vacuum pumps in various processes. Because of the particularity of foam production process, the choice of water ring vacuum pump is more appropriate.

In the process of foam production, the water ring vacuum pump plays an indispensable role in many processes such as foam forming and vacuum dewatering.

But what should foam plant pay attention to when using water ring vacuum pump?

First of all, we should have a correct understanding of the selection of water ring vacuum pump. There is no fixed matching in the selection of water ring vacuum pump. The selection and matching of water ring vacuum pump are various. In general, according to the actual use and requirements of customers, fortune will provide customers with a water ring vacuum pump scheme suitable for their site use from the perspective of customers. Many users do not know the performance and work of different series of water ring vacuum pumps very well. They often require that the higher the vacuum degree is, the better the pumping capacity is, which also leads to waste and differences in selection.

Secondly, in the process of using the water ring vacuum pump in the foam plant, the general circulating water temperature is too high. When the water temperature is too high, it will affect the performance of water ring vacuum pump and reduce the efficiency of water ring vacuum pump. Cavitation may also occur, which may lead to the damage of water ring vacuum pump components, motor overload, etc.

Thirdly, it should be noted to add prefilter before water ring vacuum pump. Due to the particularity of foam production, a lot of foam particles and dust will be produced during the production process. When the water ring vacuum pump inhales particles, it will wear the parts of the water ring vacuum pump and affect the performance of the water ring vacuum pump.

2BV Water Ring Vacuum Pump For Pump Oil Requirements

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Simultaneous interpreting of different transmission modes of water ring vacuum pump

In many users in the selection of water ring vacuum pump often choose belt drive. This is not true.

In fact, there are many ways to drive the water ring vacuum pump, such as reducer drive, direct connection drive, belt drive, diesel drive and so on.

Different transmission modes, different use requirements and different configurations of the water ring vacuum pump are different. Such as small and medium-sized water ring vacuum pump, many old customers use belt drive. Compared with the belt drive, the efficiency of water ring vacuum pump is higher and more stable, and the price is cheaper.

However, the large-scale water ring vacuum pump is more safe and stable because of its speed limitation and mostly uses the belt drive mode.

Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump Cleaning And Assembly

How To Adjust The Vacuum Degree Of Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Roots Vacuum Pump In Distillation Process


vacuum pump descaling method

vacuum pump descaling method

Vacuum pump used for a long time, will inevitably produce dirt, today for you to introduce a small way to remove dirt.

1. Mechanical descaling is a very effective method for all kinds of scale, mainly through the manual use of tools to remove scale, but the workload is large, the whole machine must be disassembled, it is better to have a planned shutdown and overhaul of the vacuum pump at the same time.

2. Chemical descaling method is to inject chemical detergent into the dry vacuum pump to make it react with the scale in the vacuum pump.

The small method of vacuum pump descaling is introduced here. At present, mechanical descaling and chemical descaling are commonly used. You can choose according to the actual needs.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces
Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump
Dry Type Vacuum Pump

vacuum pump cooling conditions

The cooling of vacuum pump helps the efficient use of the equipment, but its cooling should be under certain conditions. The following is the relevant introduction.

1. As for the medium with temperature lower than 120 ℃, generally no special cooling system is set up, and the medium of vacuum pump itself is mostly used for smoothing and cooling. The suspension structure can be selected to make the upper limit of temperature reach 140 ℃ ~ 160 ℃. It is worth mentioning that the medium easy to crystallize or rich in particles should be equipped with a sealing surface flushing pipeline (interfaces are generally reserved in the design).

2. As for the medium above 120 ℃ and within 300 ℃, generally, the vacuum pump cover shall be equipped with a cooling chamber, and the sealing chamber shall also be connected with the coolant. When the coolant is not allowed to penetrate into the medium, the medium itself shall be connected after cooling (it can be completed through a simple heat exchanger).

To cool the vacuum pump, it is necessary to cool it according to the temperature of the medium, and pay attention to the correct method.

Causes Of Vacuum Pump Failure

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump

vacuum pump several working modes

vacuum pump several working modes

You may not know the working mode of vacuum pump very well. Here are the relevant materials compiled for you:

1. Limit working mode: the user can set an upper limit value of vacuum degree, when the vacuum pump reaches the vacuum degree, it will automatically stop.

2. Interval working mode: the user can set two values of the upper and lower limit of the required vacuum degree. When the vacuum pump reaches the upper limit of the vacuum degree, it will automatically stop. When the real vacuum falls to the lower limit, the pump will automatically start.

3. Timing working mode: the user can set the working time of the vacuum pump, and the pump will stop automatically after the set time. The maximum time allowed to be set by the user is 99 hours and 59 minutes, and the minimum time is 1 minute.

Understand the working mode of the vacuum pump, and master the use of the pump.

Vacuum Pump Failure

Vacuum Pump Application

Vacuum System Of Vacuum Condenser System


Temperature requirements of rotary vane vacuum pump

Temperature requirements of rotary vane vacuum pump

Today, let's understand the indoor temperature requirements of a rotary vane vacuum pump: a stage or a stage rotary vane vacuum pump is connected in series in front of the injector of the rotary vane vacuum pump.

We believe that we all know the working principle of the rotary vane vacuum pump. But the temperature of the rotary vane vacuum pump is too high. It means that the maximum oil temperature measured near the low-level exhaust valve exceeds the value specified in the operation manual. Rotary vane vacuum pump is generally used at room temperature of no less than 5 and relative temperature of no more than 90%. The gas enters the high vacuum chamber from the intake nozzle. At first, the high pressure is strong. The high and low vacuum chambers are full of atmosphere. Both exhaust valves are opened for exhaust.

With the progress of air extraction, the air pressure drops (i.e. the vacuum degree increases), the pressure of high vacuum chamber is not enough to push the exhaust valve, and the gas enters the low vacuum chamber through the middle diaphragm. At this time, the pressure is not enough to push the exhaust valve, but there is a certain amount of oil in the low vacuum chamber, which helps to push the exhaust valve, and the gas is also discharged. The discharged gas is mixed with oil particles, which are filtered by the oil screen to separate the oil. Only the gas is discharged out of the pump. The oil in the oil seal chamber of the rotary vane vacuum pump is supplied by the oil pool a through the hole on the front end plate. The oil in the low vacuum chamber is supplied by the oil pool a through the hole on the rear end plate. The oil in the high vacuum chamber is supplied circularly by the holes in the middle diaphragm. The oil in the oil seal chamber of the rotary vane vacuum pump is supplied by the oil pool a through the hole on the front end plate. The oil in the low vacuum chamber is supplied by the oil pool a through the hole on the rear end plate. The oil in the high vacuum chamber is supplied circularly by the holes in the middle diaphragm. The sealing of the front and rear end covers of the rotary vane vacuum pump is that the oil pool B on the upper part of the pump body flows into the oil groove through the hole of the end face chamber of the pump body for sealing.

Roots vacuum pump
Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor
Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump

Use scale of vacuum pump

Use scale of vacuum pump

According to the use scale, vacuum pump can be divided into rotary vane vacuum pump, roots vacuum pump, screw vacuum pump and claw vacuum pump. Vacuum pump is a kind of rotary variable capacity, which plays an important role in the use scale of vacuum pump.

Rotary vane vacuum pump is one of the main pumps to obtain low and medium vacuum pumps. It can be divided into oil seal pump and dry pump. According to the required vacuum degree, single-stage pump and double-stage pump can be used, among which the application of double-stage pump is more common.

Roots pump is a kind of vacuum pump without internal compression, usually the compression ratio is very low, so the high and medium vacuum pumps need the front pump.

Screw vacuum pump is a kind of suction and exhaust equipment which uses a pair of screws to make synchronous high-speed reverse rotation in the pump shell. It is an updated product of oil sealed vacuum pump.

Claw vacuum pump is a kind of dry vacuum pump whose rotor is claw type. It can keep the limit vacuum, pumping speed and compression ratio unchanged for a long time.

Low Pice Vacuum Pump Selection Guide

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Select high efficiency vacuum pump

Select high efficiency vacuum pump

The imported vacuum pump for transporting hot petroleum products shall be preheated evenly before starting. Preheating can be accomplished by circulating hot oil through a pump, and the temperature of the pump shell shall not be 40% lower than the working temperature of petroleum products. The cracking feed pump, on average, should be preheated for about 8 hours.

If the vacuum pump is preheated unevenly, it will occur: (1) the deflection of the vacuum unit and the distortion of the shaft; (2) the cracks on the pump housing; (3) the rotating parts of the rotor are stuck.

During the circulation of hot oil, there should be no dead angle in the vacuum pump, especially in the lower part of the pump casing, where the cold oil products will gather; otherwise, the upper part of the pump casing will be hotter than the lower part. Hot petroleum products shall be free to circulate along the entire surface of the pump casing.

In fact, the measurement proves that when the temperature difference between the lower shell wall and the upper shell wall of the outer pump shell is 180, the distortion of the outer bearing relative to the pump center line is equal to 5mm; in this case, the distance between the bearing centers is equal to 2m.

In order to prevent the rotor from being stuck due to temperature expansion of parts in axial and radial directions, sufficient axial and radial clearance (axial clearance of 4-7mm) shall be reserved.

When the vacuum pump draws the polluted gas, the vacuum pump manufacturer generally recommends the simple matching of "pump + motor" to the user. This kind of simple configuration product, the working water can only be used once, the discharged working water not only pollutes the environment, but also causes waste of water resources. If the automatic control process is adopted, temperature transmitter and intelligent regulating valve are equipped, and the opening of regulating valve is controlled by temperature signal, the purpose of saving cooling water can be achieved.

Dry Screw Vacuum Pump Operation Steps

How To Choose Vacuum System

Select Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump


What are the advantages of water ring vacuum pump

What are the advantages of water ring vacuum pump

The water ring vacuum pump is equipped with an eccentric rotor with fixed blades, which throws water (liquid) to the stator wall. The water (liquid) forms a liquid ring concentric with the stator, and the liquid ring and the rotor blades together form a rotary variable volume vacuum pump with variable volume. So what are the advantages of water ring vacuum pump? Here is a detailed introduction:

The structure is simple, the manufacturing accuracy is not high, and it is easy to process;

Compact structure, high pump speed, generally can be directly connected with the motor, no reduction device. Therefore, with a small structure size, a large exhaust volume can be obtained, and the floor area is also small;

The compressed gas is basically isothermal, that is, the temperature change of the compressed gas process is very small;

Because there is no metal friction surface in the pump cavity, there is no need to lubricate the pump, and the wear is very small. The seal between the rotating part and the fixed part can be directly completed by the water seal;

The water ring vacuum pump also has the advantages of uniform suction, stable and reliable operation, simple operation and convenient maintenance. At the same time, water ring vacuum pump is mainly used in coal, chemical, pharmaceutical, mining, papermaking, food, beer, building materials, plastics, metallurgy, electrical and other industries.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces
Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump
Dry Type Vacuum Pump

Working principle of circulating water cooling device of water ring vacuum unit

Working principle of circulating water cooling device of water ring vacuum unit

In the overall development process of water ring vacuum unit, we should speed up the improvement of the overall application effect with the product performance strength, promote the overall improvement of its quality application and advantage level, highlight the application effect of the whole equipment, and constantly enhance the play of its product value advantage on the basis of reliable application.

The water in the water storage tank is pumped into the water sprayer by a water pump and to the cooling water inlet of the unit by another way. The water in the water sprayer is ejected through multiple orifice plates and hundreds of small holes, forming a lot of vertical downward water

Under the action of exhaust fan, the water evaporates, dissipates heat and cools, and then returns to the water storage tank. The distribution of holes on the porous plate determines the position of water column, so that the holes on the porous plate are evenly distributed, so that the air flow can fully contact the water column, forming the largest surface of Yanfa, so as to achieve the purpose of water cooling.

Considering that the Ju degree of the water discharged from the water ring vacuum unit is far away from the air, and the temperature difference between the water ring vacuum unit and the air is large, the first stage of forced cooling by air cooling is designed, in which the water discharged from the water ring vacuum unit passes through the radiator first, the radiator is placed on the fan, and then the cool wind from the water blows to the radiator, so as to cool down the hot water discharged from the diffusion pump, and then return to the water storage tank and the cooling water in the diffusion pump The flow can be observed directly in the device.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump Corrosion Resistant Material

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump

What is water ring vacuum pump

How to develop 2BV water ring vacuum pump

Now 2BV water ring vacuum pump is widely used in petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food, sugar industry and other fields, mainly used in vacuum filtration, vacuum distillation, vacuum disinfection, extrusion molding, food processing, liquid degassing and so on. Let's take a look at how such an easy-to-use product is developed:

1. For the design and production of 2BV water ring vacuum pump, many production enterprises have experienced a long research process, and there are many failures in this process. In the face of failure, the R & D department will summarize these problems, analyze various aspects of different problems, and study the performance, configuration, use requirements and other aspects of the unit, only these are not The same failure is beneficial to make the unit grow faster and play a better role.

2. This detailed research and development process provides a good foundation for the application of 2BV water ring vacuum pump. After long-term repeated tests, its performance has been greatly improved, and it also plays an important role in production with strong advantages.

3. The production of 2BV water ring vacuum pump has also passed many inspections and tests. The long-term production experience has brought the confidence that the operators must win. It is the existence of this confidence that makes the growth of 2BV water ring vacuum pump have a certain foundation. It has played a significant role in the parts processing and assembly details, and brought infinite for production Value.

2BV Water Ring Vacuum Pump Precautions For Installation

Water Ring Vacuum Pump Causes Of Automatic Trip

How To Prevent Overload Of Vacuum Pump


Vacuum pump vacuum material drying

Vacuum pump vacuum material drying

In the process of material drying, in order to improve efficiency and reduce the temperature of liquid (or water) volatilization, vacuum auxiliary system is usually needed. However, what should be paid attention to in the design and use of vacuum material drying system?

In the vacuum material drying system, it should be noted that when the moisture content of the dried material is not large, a condenser of sufficient size must be installed in front of the water ring vacuum pump, so that the condensable gas can be converted into liquid, and the gas temperature entering the water ring vacuum pump is low.

In the vacuum material drying system, it should be noted that when the evaporated liquid of the dried material is large, the integrated condensing device must be used together with the water ring vacuum pump to ensure the high efficiency, stability and durability of the vacuum material drying system.

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor

Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump

vacuum system pressure parameters

vacuum system pressure parameters

Pressure parameter can be seen everywhere in vacuum system, which refers to the vertical force of gas on the surface of solid or liquid, and it is synonymous with pressure in vacuum system.

The most common pressure parameter is naturally the ultimate pressure. Limit pressure is one of the main parameters of vacuum pump performance in vacuum system. It is generally understood that in the process of vacuum system pumping, after a long time of pumping, when the pumping speed of vacuum pump or vacuum unit is 0 or the pressure parameter of vacuum chamber is maintained at a certain value all the time, that is the limit pressure of vacuum pump or vacuum unit.

Secondly, work pressure. Working pressure is the pressure parameter which is necessary to ensure the process implementation and product quality in the production process of an enterprise. In the process of vacuum equipment selection, in order to meet the process requirements, the limit pressure of the equipment will be lower than the working pressure by an order of magnitude.

Foundation pressure. In some process fields or technical personnel's mouth, the basic pressure is also called background pressure, which refers to the pressure of the vacuum chamber at the beginning of the production process. For example, for magnetron sputtering applications, it may be necessary to pump the local pressure to 10-4Pa, while the working pressure during sputtering may be about 1pA.

Residual pressure. In some cases, the residual pressure is actually the same as the ultimate pressure, which refers to the total pressure of the residual gas in the vacuum chamber after a period of pumping operation of the vacuum pump or vacuum unit. If the vacuum system has no pumping speed at this time, the residual pressure is the limit pressure of vacuum pump or vacuum unit.

Dry Vacuum Pump Distillation Process

Water Ring Pump

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Relationship between vacuum degree and pressure of water ring vacuum pump

Relationship between vacuum degree and pressure of water ring vacuum pump

In the selection and use of vacuum pump, we usually use the limit pressure or vacuum degree, pumping speed, flow and other parameters to determine the performance of vacuum pump. Then there will be a problem, many customers will struggle with the relationship between vacuum and pressure.

In the simplest words, the higher the vacuum, the lower the pressure. In detail, we will start with the meaning of vacuum and pressure.

Vacuum degree refers to the thinness of gas. We usually use "high vacuum degree" and "low vacuum degree" to express it. That is to say, the thinner the gas is, the higher the vacuum degree is. On the contrary, the lower the vacuum degree is. In terms of expression, pressure has always been used. The pressure in vacuum system is synonymous with pressure, which refers to the vertical force of gas on the surface of solid or liquid per unit area. Therefore, it can be generally understood that the more gases, the greater the natural force on the surface of the object, the greater the pressure; on the contrary, the less gases, the smaller the force, the smaller the pressure.

Together, the higher the vacuum, the thinner the gas, that is to say, the less the natural pressure on the object; the lower the vacuum, the more the gas, the greater the pressure.

So when we select the type of vacuum pump, we can see that the lower the limit pressure is, the higher the vacuum degree of the representative vacuum pump is, the more thorough the corresponding pumping performance is, and the lower the pressure can be achieved in practical application.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump Impeller Damage Causes

Water Ring Pump Operation

Vacuum Pump Vacuum Cooling


water ring vacuum pump system working process

water ring vacuum pump system working process

The sealed water pump is to provide enough sealed cooling water for the vacuum pump. Under normal conditions, the water volume is 200 L / min, and the temperature is 10 ~ 30 ℃. The circulation process is: sealed water pump → sealed water cooler → vacuum pump → gas water separator → sealed water pump. The water storage capacity of the gas water separator and the whole system is 2 m3. The water replenishment and consumption of the unit in normal operation are less.

In the suction system of the vacuum unit, the air extractor has two air suction ports. When the vacuum pump is just started, the air in the vacuum system of the condenser enters the vacuum pump through the bypass of the air extractor, and then enters the steam water separator together with the working water. When the negative pressure at the inlet of the vacuum pump reaches 13.3kpa, the air extractor is actually started and put into operation, and the bypass valve of the air extractor is automatically closed. Under normal conditions, when the air extractor operates for 30min, the negative pressure in the vacuum system of the condenser can reach the required vacuum value.

The air leakage measurement system is set in the vacuum pump set, which can measure the air leakage into the vacuum system at any time safely and conveniently. The method is to change the status of the movable air converter of the ejector at the inlet of the driving air from the air flow direction to the direction of the separator, that is, the air in the separator is used as the driving air source of the ejector, and the air exhaust valve on the upper part of the tight air-water separator is closed, so that the true air system of the whole unit forms a closed system, at this time, all the leakage air flow measuring devices are opened The inlet valve can easily get the air leakage of the vacuum system. In this process, the vacuum pump group has been in normal operation, and the vacuum system of the whole unit is not affected. When the air leakage of air leakage measuring device is 5kg / h, the corresponding vacuum tightness is 26.66pa, and when the air leakage is 25kg / h, the corresponding vacuum tightness is 133.3pa. Therefore, as long as the air leakage is less than 25kg / h in each test, it can be considered that the vacuum system tightness test of condenser is qualified.

In addition, the ejector heater is also set in the system. When the temperature of the vacuum pump area is lower than 10 ℃, in order to ensure the stable operation of the system, the heater must be put into operation.

Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor
Rotary Piston Vacuum Pump
Dry Type Vacuum Pump

water ring vacuum pump in paper mill characteristics

water ring vacuum pump in paper mill characteristics

Water ring vacuum pump uses water as medium to complete energy conversion. Water is both working fluid and sealing fluid. In the working process of water ring pump, work produces heat, which will make the working water temperature rise, and part of water and gas will be discharged together.

Therefore, it is necessary to continuously supply water to the pump to cool and supplement the water consumed in the pump, maintain the formation of normal working water ring, and meet the working requirements of the pump. Since it is necessary to make up water continuously, it should also be allowed to bring some water from the pumped gas. In fact, the water ring vacuum pump is also widely used to pump water containing gas.

Therefore, when the water ring vacuum pump works, in addition to the water from the pump water supply pipe, it is possible to enter some water from the suction port. If the vacuum pump adopts the independent water supply pipeline outside the shaft seal, it is possible to flow a small amount of water from the shaft seal. The water ring vacuum pump is generally used in paper mills. Water enters the pump from the water supply pipe, air inlet and shaft seal. Water from different ways into the pump can not be used as make-up water to meet the needs of the pump. Water entering the pump due to abnormal operation will have a negative impact on the performance of the pump.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump Causes Of Scaling And Preventive Measures

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Water ring vacuum pump unit

Water ring vacuum pump unit

Water ring vacuum pump unit can be understood as water ring vacuum pump closed cycle system, water ring vacuum pump negative pressure station, roots water ring vacuum unit. This kind of product is called water ring vacuum pump unit in the minds of the majority of users. The following is a brief introduction of the composition and function of each water ring vacuum pump unit:

Water ring vacuum pump closed cycle system: the water ring vacuum pump closed cycle system is generally composed of water ring vacuum pump, steam water separator, heat exchanger, one-way valve, water supply solenoid valve, ball valve, pipeline, electric contact vacuum gauge, control cabinet, frame, etc. its main function is to make the working fluid in the water ring vacuum pump recycled, generally in the chemical industry and water resources comparison The water ring vacuum pump unit can be used by the deficient enterprises, so as to greatly reduce the sustainable utilization of water resources or chemical working fluid, thus reducing the cost of enterprises.

How To Choose Water Ring Pump

Best Water Ring Vacuum Pump For Papermaking Industry

Water Ring Vacuum Pump Rolling Bearing And Coupling Assembly Method


Classification of stainless steel vacuum pumps

Classification of stainless steel vacuum pumps

Stainless steel vacuum pump is widely used, and the vacuum pump on the market is also various, and its classification is different in different application environments. Let's briefly understand its main classification.

2BV water ring vacuum pump is suitable for continuous operation to form a vacuum and to remove dry and wet gases, mainly non flammable, non corrosive atmosphere and atmosphere / steam mixture. According to the requirements of customers, we can provide vacuum pumps suitable for flammable, explosive and toxic media.

In this case, users should take corresponding safety measures. The working fluid is usually water. 2BV vacuum pump is suitable for the occasions with more stringent requirements on corrosion prevention and sanitation. 2BV vacuum pump is used in the range of coarse vacuum; the limit vacuum is determined by the saturated vapor pressure of working fluid.

2SK series two-stage water ring vacuum pump is characterized by high vacuum degree and large pumping speed in high vacuum area; compact structure and convenient maintenance; wide application range, it can pump various gases containing water vapor, inflammable, explosive, small amount of dust and small amount of liquid; main water is used as working medium, with low maintenance cost; it can work in a relatively harsh environment.

It is suitable for working conditions with suction pressure lower than -0.08mpa. 2sk-p1 series is suitable for working conditions with suction pressure lower than - 0.096mpa. When equipped with air pump, the limit vacuum degree can reach - 750mmhg. The working vacuum range is -0.03-0.08mpa.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump manufacturers

Roots vacuum pump

Liquid Ring Vacuum compressor