
SK liquid ring vacuum pump uses sugar industry

SK liquid ring vacuum pump is a kind of vacuum pumping equipment commonly used in manufacturing. It is mainly used for pumping the whole production. What kind of use is used in the sugar industry.single-stage-rotary-vacuum-pump-for-oil-vapor-recovery

1. In the whole process of sugar production, vacuum filtration, evaporation concentration, evaporation crystallization, etc. all need to be completed under vacuum, so it is strictly required to work continuously and last for a long time, and the durability is high.

2. In the filtration process of the sugar industry, SK vacuum pumping is required in the entire sugar production process, so it is required to pump high water content.

3. In the production of sugar, the vacuum pump must be large and stable when the SK vacuum pump is working in a high vacuum state.Lab-Test-Recirculating-Water-Vacuum-Pump

4. At the same time, it is required to have good wear resistance and meet the working environment and requirements of the sugar industry.

In sugar companies, SK vacuum pumps can use the vacuum generated by it to protect the sugar from corrosion, thus extending the shelf life. In addition, it can remove excess water, prevent sugar from getting wet, and its wear resistance is good.electric-motor-driven-water-ring-vacuum-pump-for-iron-ore-mining

