
rotary vane vacuum pump general assembly

For different types of pumps, different maintenance and assembly technicians, the assembly method is also different. Generally speaking, for non-lateral eccentric rotary vane pump and vacuum pump with reduced assembly clearance, the pump body should be put on the platform when assembling, and the fuel tank should be downward; if the fuel tank of some large and medium-sized pumps is not removed or the intake pipe is not disassembled and put on the platform inconveniently (when uneven), the supporting foot of the pump body can be clamped on the vise, and the oil tank of the pump body inverted is padded with wooden blocks as well. 。

The advantage of inverted assembly is that, due to the effect of the weight of the rotor body, the loaded rotor can be naturally tightened to the wall of the pump chamber, i.e. automatically aligned, thus ensuring the cut-off point division.

Of course, not all mechanical pumps need to be inverted, mainly depends on the principle of easy assembly. For example, the side eccentric pump can be inverted, forward or even side-mounted, that is, the outlet hole (the side of the valve oil window) down, and then assemble the rotor.

Whether it is inverted or formal, the assembly steps are basically the same. Taking the lateral eccentric 2X-8 pump as an example, the assembly steps are described as follows.

(1)Assemble the rotary blade: After the rotary blade is loaded with the spring, it is loaded into the rotor slot to try whether the movement is good or not.

(2) Install high rotor: first install large rotor with high vacuum end, tighten the high rotor with rotary blade, insert the low shaft end into the shaft hole of the middle diaphragm and set it straight. Suitable amount of vacuum pump oil should be lubricated in advance in the pump chamber, and vacuum hygiene should be paid attention to carefully. When assembling, attention should be paid to less touching parts with hands; in operation, fibers and dust should be avoided.




