
How does the vacuum pump work?

With the demand for social work, vacuum pumps are being popularized and produced, and more and more people are using them. The understanding of it has gradually deepened, and there are many problems that they want to understand. Here is a brief introduction to the working principle of the vacuum pump.Mini-vacuum-pump-for-air-conditioner

  When the vacuum pump is running, due to the centrifugal force, the water forms a closed ring of approximately equal thickness depending on the shape of the pump chamber. The inner surface of the upper portion is just tangent to the impeller hub and the lower inner surface is just in contact with the tip of the blade. At this time, a crescent-shaped space is formed between the impeller hub and the water ring, and this space is divided by the impeller into a plurality of small cavities having the same number of blades. If the upper part of the impeller is 0°, the volume of the small cavity becomes smaller from 180° before the rotation, and it communicates with the suction port on the end face. At this time, the gas is sucked in, and when the inhalation is finished, the cavity is small. It is isolated from the suction port; when the impeller continues to rotate, the small cavity becomes larger and smaller, so that the gas is compressed; when the small cavity communicates with the exhaust port, the gas is discharged outside the vacuum pump.2SK-series-high-pressure-liquid-ring-vacuum-pump-for-oil-drilling

After reading the simple introduction above, I have a better understanding of it. I will understand that this is the case when I work, and it will work better in the future.diamond-vacuum-brazing-furnace

