
Composition of complete vacuum system

Composition of complete vacuum system

There are many kinds of vacuum application equipment, but no matter what kind of vacuum application equipment, there is a set of extraction system to remove the gas in the evacuated container, so as to obtain the required vacuum conditions in the vacuum container. For example, a container for vacuum treatment is connected with a vacuum pump by pipes and valves. When the vacuum pump vacuumizes the container, there must be a vacuum measuring device on the container, which constitutes the simplest vacuum pumping system.

For a vacuum system composed of more than two vacuum pumps in series, the low vacuum pump is usually called the front pump (or pre pump) of its upper high vacuum pump, and the highest vacuum pump is called the main pump of the vacuum system, that is, it is the main pump. The limit vacuum degree and working vacuum degree in the pumped container are determined by the main pump. The pipeline from the outlet of the pumped vessel to the inlet of the main pump is called high vacuum pipeline, and the valve at the inlet of the main pump is called the main valve.

Usually, the front pump is also used as a vacuum pump. The pipeline from the pumped container to the pre pumping pump is called the pre vacuum pipeline, and the valve on the pipeline is called the pre vacuum pipeline valve. The pipeline from the outlet of main pump to the inlet of front stage pump is called front stage pipeline, and the valve on the pipeline is called front stage pipeline valve, while the soft connection pipeline is set to isolate the vibration of front stage pump.

