
What Is Oil Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump?

What is vacuum?

Vacuum is a state of space in which no matter exists. In fact, in vacuum technology, vacuum is directed against the atmosphere. Industrial vacuum refers to the space of gases whose pressure is less than the standard atmospheric pressure. Generally speaking, it refers to the rareness of gases in a given space. Vacuum in industrial applications can be broadly classified into three categories: high vacuum, medium vacuum and low vacuum. People get the vacuum through various ways, and the rotary vane vacuum pump is one of the most basic vacuum acquisition equipment in vacuum technology.

What is oil rotary vane vacuum pump?

Rotary vane pumps are mostly small and medium sized pumps. Rotary vane vacuum pump rotates in the pump chamber by a bias rotor with a rotating vane, so that the volume of the pump chamber divided by the rotating vane changes periodically to achieve the process of suction, compression and exhaust, thus achieving the purpose of continuous suction. Generally speaking, according to the operation mode, there are oil-type rotary vane vacuum pump and non-oil-type rotary vane vacuum pump, that is, there is the difference between oil lubrication and non-oil lubrication; according to the cylinder block classification, single-stage and two-stage mainly. The so-called two-stage, is in the structure of the two single-stage pump series together, generally made into two-stage, in order to obtain a higher vacuum.

Rotary vane vacuum pump can extract the dry gas from the sealed container. If it is equipped with a gas ballast device, it can also extract a certain amount of condensable gas. But it is not suitable for the extraction of oxygen-rich, corrosive to metals, chemical reactions to pump oil, and gas containing particulate dust. Most of the rotary vane vacuum pumps adopt a direct structure, which can start vacuum directly in the atmosphere, equipped with air filters to effectively isolate small dust particles, and have a longer service life.

The advantages and disadvantages of the oil rotary vane pump and the oil-free rotary vane vacuum pump:
1. Oil-type rotary vane vacuum pump compared with the same speed of oil-free rotary vane pump, oil-type rotary vane vacuum pump vacuum degree is higher. Oil-type rotary vane vacuum pump in continuous operation due to mechanical seals and lubricating oil double-layer seal, making the vacuum pump in a series of pumping, compression and exhaust action more stable, gas leakage rate reduced.

2. The susceptibility of the oil-type rotary vane vacuum pump to water is easier than that of the oil-free rotary vane vacuum pump. Because of the restriction of the vane, the oil-free rotary vane vacuum pump is easy to expand and break after contacting water, and has high susceptibility to water. It is widely used in industries with limited water content. In the trend of paying more and more attention to environmental protection, the oil-type rotary vane vacuum pump with oil-water separator structure has been recognized and used by the public, effectively protecting the environment clean. For example, circuit board industry, glass process production and so on.

3. Although oil-free rotary vane vacuum pump is slightly inferior to oil-based rotary vane vacuum pump to a certain extent, it is easier to be adopted by customers in some oil-sensitive industries because it does not need oil lubrication. Oil-free operation can limit the influence of oil quality on products and reduce oil pollution caused by chemical reaction between oil quality and products. For example, the pharmaceutical industry, printing process and so on.

