
Characteristics Of Piston Vacuum Pump

Composition of piston vacuum pump:

piston vacuum pump is mainly composed of stator, rotor, rotary vane, fixed cover, spring and other parts. The structure uses the rotor which is eccentrically mounted in the stator cavity (the gap between the outer circle of the rotor and the inner surface of the stator is very small) and the two rotating blades which are close to the inner wall of the stator by means of spring tension and centrifugal force, sliding along the inner wall of the stator when the rotor rotates.

Working principle of piston vacuum pump:

When the rotor rotates in the graphic direction, the volume of space A connected with the suction port increases continuously, and the pressure in space A decreases continuously. When the pressure in space A is lower than the pressure in the suction container, according to the gas The principle of pressure equilibrium is that the gas pumped is continuously pumped into the suction chamber A, which is in the process of inspiration. The volume of B cavity is decreasing and the pressure is increasing. When the pressure of the gas is stronger than the exhaust pressure, the compressed gas pushes the exhaust valve away, and the exhausted gas continuously passes through the oil layer in the tank and is discharged into the atmosphere. During the continuous operation of the pump, it continuously sucks. Gas, compression and exhaust process, so as to achieve continuous pumping purposes. In water ring pump, auxiliary exhaust valve is a special structure, generally using rubber ball valve, its role is to eliminate the pump in the operation process of the phenomenon of excessive compression and insufficient compression. These two phenomena can cause excessive power consumption.

