

Rotary piston vacuum pump, full-name mechanical vacuum pump with oil seal of sliding valve, referred to as piston vacuum pump, is a variable volume gas transfer pump, the scope of application and conditions of use are basically the same as rotary vane pump.

Because of its structural characteristics, the capacity of the piston vacuum pump is much larger than that of the rotary vane vacuum pump, so it is more widely used in large vacuum equipment. The basic types of slide valve vacuum pump are also divided into two types: single stage and two-stage. The limit pressure of small pump in single-stage pump is generally not more than 0.6 Pa, the maximum pressure of large pump is not more than 1.3 PA (all closed town); the limit pressure of double-stage pump is not more than 0.06 Pa (closed town). The sliding valve vacuum pump with pumping speed over 150L/s adopts single stage.

Because the rotary mass of the piston vacuum pump has greater eccentricity, there is no good mass balance, and it will produce greater vibration when running. At the same time, it is difficult to realize the complete balance of inertia force of the sliding valve pump because the locus of rotation center of mass of the sliding valve pump is a complex closed curve. This limits the sliding valve type vacuum pump revolution, generally controlled in 350 ~ 600 R / min, individual can reach more than 1000 R / min.

