
Selection Of Vacuum Pump

The function of the vacuum pump is to extract gas molecules from the vacuum chamber, reduce the pressure of the gas in the vacuum chamber, so as to achieve the required vacuum. Generally speaking, there is a large range from the atmosphere to the very high vacuum, and so far no vacuum system can cover this range. Therefore, in order to meet the technical specifications of different products, work efficiency and equipment life requirements, different vacuum sections need to choose different vacuum system configuration. In order to achieve the best configuration, the following points should be considered when selecting the vacuum system.

What matters should be noted when selecting the vacuum pump:

1. The limit pressure of the vacuum pump should meet the working pressure of the process. Usually, the limit pressure of the pump is about an order of magnitude lower than the technological requirement.

2. each pump has a certain range of work pressure. Therefore, the working point of the pump should be selected within this range, and it should not be allowed to work for a long time beyond the allowable working pressure.

3. The vacuum pump should be able to drain all the gas produced in the process of vacuum equipment under its working pressure.

4. Choose vacuum unit:

(1) When using a pump can not meet the requirements of pumping and vacuum, several pumps need to be combined to complement each other to meet the process requirements.

(2) Some vacuum pumps can not work at atmospheric pressure, need pre-vacuum; some vacuum pump outlet pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure, need a front-stage pump, so we need to use the pump together. After combined use of the vacuum pump, we call it the vacuum pump unit, it can make the vacuum system get better vacuum and exhaust capacity. We should correctly select the combination of vacuum pumps, because different vacuum pumps have different requirements for the extraction of gas, such as: in general, Roots-Rotary Unit is not suitable for systems containing more condensable gases.

