
Ultra-high vacuum extraction unit

Ultra-high vacuum extraction unit

The ultra-high vacuum unit works in the ultra-high vacuum pressure range of 10-6-10-10Pa.

Low, low leakage rate, can withstand high temperature baking at 200 ~ 450 ℃, the requirements for the unit are:

(1) The ultimate vacuum of the main pump should be high, at least above 10-7 ~ 10-8Pa;

(2) The main pump has a certain pumping speed within the working pressure range of the ultra-high vacuum;

(3) The main pump of the unit or above the air inlet of the main pump can withstand high temperature baking at 200-450 ℃;

(4) The partial pressure of the return gas from the main pump (including the working fluid vapor and the analytical gas) must be sufficiently low.

(5) The main pump with strong selectivity of the pumped gas should be equipped with a sufficiently large auxiliary pump;

(6) For the pipes, valves and other components above the air intake of the main pump of the unit, the selection and sealing of materials must be especially careful. Generally, stainless steel with low outgassing rate and metal sealing material are used to resist high temperature baking.

Vacuum System Common Materials

Water Ring Vacuum Pump System In White Water Degassing System

Water Ring Vacuum Pump In Vacuum Evaporation Process

