
How to choose vacuum pump in brick and tile factory

No matter what kind of vacuum pump it is, there are two main indexes that affect its performance: limit vacuum degree and pumping rate. No matter what type of vacuum extruder, its limit vacuum degree is less than - 0.092mpa. In practice, the limit vacuum degree required by most vacuum extruders is about - 0.08mpa, so many vacuum pumps are not difficult to achieve this index. The limit vacuum degree of vacuum pump is easy to check. As long as the stop valve on the pipeline is closed before starting the vacuum extruder, the limit vacuum degree can be displayed by starting the vacuum pump alone.

Generally, vacuum pump manufacturers have inspection records of this index. But there are also poor quality vacuum pumps. When they come to the brick and tile factory for test run, their ultimate vacuum degree is only below - 0.07MPa. The pumping rate of vacuum pump is very important. It plays an important role in the vacuum degree of vacuum extruder. After many vacuum extruders are used for a period of time, the vacuum degree gradually decreases, which is caused by the too small pumping rate of vacuum pump.

A large number of vacuum pump manufacturers do not have the pumping rate detection device of vacuum pump, and do not test this important performance at all. Some new vacuum pump manufacturers do not have the pumping rate detection device of vacuum pump, and do not test this important performance at all. Some new vacuum pump manufacturers do not have the pumping rate detection device of vacuum pump, and their pumping rate can only meet the corresponding requirements at the limit vacuum degree of - 0.08mpa 1 / 5 of them, some even lower, and some vacuum pump factory's instructions not only do not have the working characteristic diagram of the vacuum pump, but also do not have the data of the pumping rate of the vacuum pump, so the quality of this vacuum pump is not guaranteed. When choosing the right vacuum pump, we must examine the two main working indexes of the vacuum pump, which are the limit vacuum degree and the pumping rate, in order to ensure that the vacuum extruder has a stable vacuum degree.

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