
Liquid ring vacuum pump manufacturer

In addition to the original B-A ultra-high vacuum gauge, the full-pressure side of the ultra-high vacuum system has developed many extremely high vacuum gauges, such as cold cathode magnetic control gauges, suppression gauges and bend gauges. But for many research work, it is not enough to rely solely on full pressure data.

For example, adsorption, condensation, desorption processes, etc. in vacuum systems involve the interaction of the surface of the vessel with the material inside the system and residual gas molecules. At this point, obtaining data on the gas composition and partial pressure in the system is more telling than the full pressure data. Gas analysis and partial pressure measurement under vacuum conditions are usually performed by a dynamic mass spectrometer. If the solid medium is contained in the medium to be transported, a filter should be added to the pump inlet: if it contains ferromagnetic particles, a magnetic filter is required. The ambient temperature of the water ring vacuum pump should be less than 40 °C during use, and the motor temperature rise should not exceed 75 °C. After 1000 hours of normal operation of the magnetic pump, the wear of the bearing and the end moving ring should be dismantled, and the wearing parts that are not suitable for reuse should be replaced. The conveying liquid is a medium that is easy to precipitate and crystallize. After use, it should be cleaned in time. liquid.water-ring-vacuum-pump-and-compressor-for-vacuum-packing

The vacuum pump must be kept clean at all times. No other objects should be placed on the vacuum pump. Do not block the passage around the vacuum pump for maintenance and operation. Always pay attention to the tightness of the V-belt and adjust it. Always pay attention to whether there is air leakage at each pipe joint and pre-vacuum inside the box. Whether it has dropped, otherwise it should be repaired in time; always pay attention to whether the cooling water is unblocked; every time you drive, you should start 4-6 times intermittently, within 2s each time to overcome the large torque at startup.liquid-ring-vacuum-pump-for-Glass-Reactors

