
Liquid ring vacuum pump and liquid ring compressor

The working principle of the liquid ring vacuum pump and the liquid ring compressor is exactly the same. The basic type and structure are also the same, but there are different places. In order to make everyone better distinguish the two products, the following article will explain in detail. There are five differences in the following:rotary-vane-vacuum-pumps

1, the impeller circumferential speed range is different
The peripheral speed of the impeller is mainly determined by the pressure difference between the suction chamber and the compression chamber. Since the suction pressure of the compressor is generally atmospheric pressure, and the discharge pressure of the vacuum pump is generally atmospheric pressure, the pressure difference of the compressor is large, and the required peripheral speed is also large. When the same water ring pump is used as a vacuum pump and when it is used as a compressor, the performance of the vacuum pump is different. When the vacuum pump is used as a compressor, the speed can be increased economically.

2, the optimal compression ratio range is different
The so-called optimal compression ratio, that is, the compression ratio at a higher efficiency. In general, the optimum compression ratio of a vacuum pump is higher than that of a compressor.

3, the shaft power is different
The same size of the water ring pump, the effective power when used as a compressor is larger than the vacuum pump, and the current peripheral speed of the impeller is generally selected according to the requirements of the vacuum pump, so that when used as a compressor, it is operated in an inefficient area. The required shaft power is even greater. Therefore, the power of the compressor is larger than that of the vacuum pump.piston-vacuum-pump-structure

4, the structure of the gas water separator is different
The gas-water separator of the vacuum pump is flat-topped, the overflow pipe is a common water pipe, and the top of the gas-water separator of the compressor is spherical, and the overflow pipe is controlled by a float regulating valve to prevent the water level from being below the overflow pipe. The compressed gas escapes, reducing gas pressure and effective gas volume.

5, the size of the vent hole is different
At the same size, the venting port of the compressor is smaller than that of the vacuum pump.rotary-vane-vacuum-pump-for-vacuum-coating

