
Oil Sealed Vacuum Pump

Some vacuum processes will produce a lot of dust. If dust is mixed with the pumped gas into the oil seal vacuum pump, it will accelerate the wear of parts in the pump chamber like abrasive, cause wear and damage to the pump rotor and pump chamber, block the oil pipeline or make the pump unable to operate. If dust enters the vacuum valve, the seal will fail and leak out. Therefore, the prevention and filtering of dust has been completed. In order to prolong the service life of vacuum system and improve productivity, dust filter must be used in dusty vacuum system.Roots_Vacuum_Pump

When the dust volume is small, it can be filtered by the pump oil filtration system. But when the dust volume is large, in order to prevent the damage of the vacuum pump and ensure the normal operation of the vacuum pump, the dust collector must be used.rotary-vane-vacuum-pump-in-brewing-industry.

