
Roots vacuum pump application in the paper industry

Generally speaking, the pumping capacity of the standard specified in the paper production line is certain, but in order to reduce energy consumption and save production costs, the selection of the vacuum pump is particularly important. For the paper industry, the Roots vacuum pump is usually used instead of a water ring vacuum pump. Therefore, comparing the economic benefits of the Roots vacuum pump and the water ring vacuum pump is the primary problem for paper manufacturers. Of course, this will also involve the selection of the Roots vacuum pump.

The application of vacuum pumps to effectively reduce papermaking costs and improve paper quality is a good hope for Kaide Vacuum Technology. Today, I will tell you about the application and selection of Roots vacuum pumps in the paper industry. In the process of pulp and paper technology, the vacuum dewatering method can be applied to the dehydration process, and the vacuuming by the Roots vacuum pump is a common method for papermaking dewatering.

In the process of which papermaking process, vacuum dewatering is required:

1, coarse pulp washer

The drum-shaped interior of the washer is capable of creating a vacuum that allows the material to adhere to the drum surface and allow the black liquor to be washed from the material while the drum is operating in the stock slurry.

2, sediment filter

A sediment filter in a pulp and paper mill is a horizontal drum filter in which a vacuum condition can be generated inside the drum to collect particles from the green liquor.vacuum-pump-buying-guide

3, vacuum dehydrator

The vacuum dewatering machine can be used for dewatering in the raw material preparation stage. It is a horizontal drum filter that achieves proportional dewatering from pulp and increases the concentration of raw materials.

4, the pulp box compressor or vacuum pump

The headbox compressor or vacuum pump is used in the slurry tank. Through a series of valves, a pressure or vacuum can be added to the raw material tank of the headbox to control the material discharge rate.

5, suction box

The suction box is applied to the forming section of the paper and can be directly dewatered from the pulp. The Roots vacuum pump is used to produce vacuum conditions in the suction box vacuum box.liquid_ring_vacuum_pump

6, the roller

The couch roll is an important dewatering section in the paper forming stage and is stationary with a rotatable porous casing that can have one or two vacuum zones.

7, vacuum pressing

The vacuum press mechanically extracts moisture from the paper. Paper machines typically have one to three press zones where the moisture is absorbed into the press felt as the paper transports and pads.Roots_Vacuum_Pump

8, blowout prevention box

The blow-proof box is fixed before the paper is transferred into and can be used to create a vacuum in the upper region of the press section.

Vacuum pumps are widely used in the paper industry, and Roots vacuum pumps have a good performance in this industry.

