
Vacuum pump repair skills

If your vacuum pump has some minor problems during use, and it takes time and effort to go to the repair shop, you can try to repair your equipment yourself. Then, what are some small tricks that can help us to repair and inspect us? What about the vacuum pump?Roots_Vacuum_Pump

1. The operator should understand the various parts of the exterior, pumps and equipment, and read and understand the various instructions;

2. If there is abnormal condition after power on, it should be immediately swept or stopped to find the reason;

3, the cooling water pressure should be between 0.1 ~ 0.2Mpa, the water temperature ≤ 45 ° C;

4. Before starting the furnace, check the gas cylinder capacity of the maintenance gas to avoid the lack of gas filling and replace the gas cylinder;

5, often check the return amount of each part, the operation should ensure that each part has enough cooling water;liquid_ring_vacuum_pump

6. The compressed air pressure is between 0.4 and 0.5 MPa.

In addition, in daily production and life, the bolts of various parts of the vacuum pump are regularly viewed, and if loose, they are tightened in time.


