
Vacuum Pump System in Electric Vacuum Industry

Because the working principle of various electric vacuum devices is based on electric field and magnetic field to control the movement of electrons in space so as to achieve the purposes of amplification, oscillation and image display.liquid_ring_vacuum_pump

Therefore, the vacuum pump system can prevent the collision between electrons and gas molecules, ensure the movement law of electrons in space, avoid cathodic oxidation poisoning of emitting hot electrons, pump the electronic devices into different vacuum required by different vacuum devices, and ensure the normal operation of electronic devices.buy-water-ring-vacuum-pump

At present, the main electrovacuum devices consumed in the electrovacuum industry are various kinds of electronic tubes (rectifier, transmitter, receiver, klystron, traveling wave tube, magnetron, photoelectric tube, etc.); various ion tubes (pump-arc rectifier, igniter, counter, thyratron, noise tube, radar wire switch, etc.); various electron beam tubes (oscilloscope, vidicon, vidicon, X-ray tube, etc.). Various electric light source tubes (illumination lamp, spectral lamp, instrument lamp, etc.) and neutron tube, electron diffractometer, electron microscope, X-ray microscope, various particle accelerators, mass spectrometers, nuclear radiation spectrometers, gas lasers and the application of electron beam in vacuum to stop degassing, smelting, regional purification, solidification and drilling of refractory metals and media, slotting, cutting, and drilling. Evaporation of radioisotopes, welding of refractory metals, etc. These electronic devices and processes play an obvious role in modern science and modern industrial consumption.Roots_Vacuum_Pump

