
System parameters of vacuum pump

1. Steam allowance of vacuum pump:

The allowable unit of vapor is kg/h. It refers to the quality flow rate of vapor that can be extracted by gas-ballast pumps in successive operations under abnormal conditions.

2. Vacuum pump pumping rate:

The unit of pumping rate is m3/s or l/s. It refers to the ratio of the flow rate of gas flowing through the test cover to the misaligned pressure measured at the designated position of the test cover when the pump is equipped with a standard trial cover and operates according to the specified conditions. Pump pumping speed for short.

3. Limit pressure of vacuum pump:

The ultimate pressure unit of the pump is Pa, which means that the pump is equipped with a standard trial cover at the outlet and operates according to the standard conditions. Without introducing abnormal gas operation, the trend of the most stable industrial pressure.

4. Reflux rate of vacuum pump:

The unit of reflux rate of the pump is g/cm2.s. It refers to the quality flow rate of the pump flow per unit area of the pump outlet when the pump operates in accordance with the regulations and conditions.

5. Pumping speed coefficient of vacuum pump:

Ratio of theoretical pumping speed to practical pumping speed at pump outlet based on molecular sluice.

