
vacuum pumps

Reasons for Reduction of Vacuum Pump Pumping Volume

It is well known that vacuum pumps can pump air, but in the process of using it, we may have the phenomenon of reducing the pumping capacity. What is the reason?

There are many reasons to reduce the pumping capacity of vacuum pumps, such as less than rated speed, too large end clearance, leakage of filler box, insufficient water supply, heating of liquid ring, too large radial clearance of single-acting pump and scale, etc.

Among the above reasons, excessive end clearance (i.e. axial clearance of single-acting pump) is the most important and common cause of insufficient gas volume. If the position of the impeller on the pump body is not inclined, that is to say, the excessive end clearance is not caused by the scratch between the impeller and the side cover, then too many gaskets should be removed.liquid-ring-vacuum-pump-price

Moreover, for single-acting pumps, the larger leakage is the radial clearance between impeller wheel load and water ring. If the gap is too large, the air volume will be reduced too much. For this reason, supplementary water can be injected into the pump body or side cover corresponding to the radial clearance to fill the excessive radial clearance. At this time, the pressure of supplementary water should be more than 1.2 kg/cm 2, otherwise it can not enter. These should be considered in design.

When using hard water with higher hardness, the scaling phenomenon is very serious. The scaling on the blades will increase, which will inevitably reduce the effective space. In addition, some blockage of suction and exhaust holes will cause the reduction of air volume. The best way to eliminate scale is to use hard water after softening treatment. For parts with scales, the effect of scales can be mitigated by mechanical method (removing scales) or by hydrochloric acid washing method (residual hydrochloric acid must be washed out with water after using hydrochloric acid).vortex-vacuum-pump

