
Roots Vacuum Pump Installation

Roots vacuum pump installation is best by professional people to install, if the conditions are limited, we need to read the instructions carefully, and then install, compiled for you to collate some useful information, to understand it.

1. Roots pumps should be installed in dry, ventilated and clean places.

2. The pump should be installed horizontally. The gap between the pump and the wall or other objects should be at least 300 mm. The oil window part of the pump should leave room for easy observation of the oil level.

3. Attention should be paid to the motor turning when turning on the power supply. Seen from the tail, the turning of the motor shaft should be clockwise. The specific operation steps are to turn on the three-phase power supply of the motor, point the motor start button, check whether the turning is correct or not. If the turning is opposite, change any two of the three power terminals.roots-vacuum-pump-supplier

4. The pipeline of the pump and the pumped container should be clean, dry and leak-free. The diameter of the pipeline should be as small as possible as the inlet of Roots pump. The length of the pipeline should be shorter so as to reduce the pumping speed loss. There should be no leakage at the connection of the pipeline.

5. When the exhausted gas contains dust or granular substances, an appropriate intake filter should be installed at the inlet of the pump to avoid damage to the Roots vacuum pump by inhaling dust or granular substances into the pump chamber.

These aspects should be paid attention to in the installation of Roots vacuum pump, and the pumping speed and limit pressure of Roots vacuum pump should be taken into account. The influence degree of Roots vacuum pump varies with the structure of the filter.roots-blowers-price

