
Oil change operation of vacuum pump unit

Whether it is a vacuum pump unit or any other mechanical equipment, it is inseparable from lubricating oil, because lubricating oil can effectively help the equipment to work better. However, this lubricant cannot maintain its function for a long time. It needs to change the oil according to the use of the device. Because after a long time of work, the oil quality of the unit will be polluted by various external factors, otherwise, if the lubricating oil is replaced in time, the unit will be damaged. 

1. When the vacuum pump is equipped with replacement oil, the pump should be taken out of the vacuum system first.

2. After that, the end of the chassis motor should be raised. Open the oil drain plug to drain the oil. Turn the device to keep the exhaust port, let all dirty oil in the chamber drain out from the oil drain port, and then add new oil from the air inlet. Oil 100-500ml continuous rotation 5-10 rpm or more for internal cleaning, this operation 3-5 times.

3. After taking out the oil, cover the oil plug, put the pump horizontally, add new oil from the air inlet and oil hole, and change the oil.

4. When the vacuum pump is equipped with oil displacement, it is not recommended to start the motor for a long time. At this time, the exhaust valve will be too severe and fatigue.

5. When changing the oil of vacuum pump unit, kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, etc. should not be used for non disassembly cleaning of the pump.

6. If the pump stops for a long time, the exhaust hood should be removed and the exhaust plug should be closed to the air inlet and drained。

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

