
How to Clean Water Ring Vacuum Pump

To ensure the long-term stable operation of water-ring vacuum pump, it is necessary to do a good job in equipment inspection, maintenance and maintenance, which can ensure the normal operation of the vacuum pump.

Equipment also needs to be cherished, not only refers to the appearance of clean, but also to the vacuum pump to clean up the interior. Speaking of this, we will certainly think that regular cleaning of the equipment surface, so that it can be. In fact, this recognition is wrong. The equipment operates at full load for a long time, and the main part of the water ring vacuum pump is the liquid, which will inevitably accumulate scales or other substances if the liquid flows for a long time. It is not enough to clean the scale in the unit simply with clean water, so how to clean the water ring vacuum correctly?

First, the vacuum pump needs to be disassembled. Second, nitric acid or other soluble substances should be prepared. It should be diluted and high purity can not be used directly. Otherwise, the internal components of the vacuum pump will be damaged directly. Next, the prepared nitric acid liquid will be placed in the container of the vacuum pump and wait for about an hour. Finally, the nitric acid liquid should be diluted. It is the end of the work, using clean water to wash the vacuum pump vessel with nitric acid liquid directly.

Water ring vacuum pump not only cleans this aspect, but also needs to maintain and inspect all parts of the unit in the daily operation of the equipment. If parts are found to be worn out during the inspection process, the parts must be replaced, and there can be no luck, otherwise it will affect the operation of the whole equipment and so on. 。 These cleaning, inspection, maintenance work, as large as system maintenance small parts replacement, do a good job in every detail of daily life, then there is no need to worry about a more serious failure of the vacuum pump.

