
How to use dry screw pump?

1. Screw pumps are strictly prohibited to operate empty in the absence of liquid in the pump chamber. It is necessary to inject liquid into the pump body by the inlet of the pump before starting, and then start the screw pump, so as to avoid idling and wearing the stator of the screw pump.

2. Before starting the screw pump, the direction of operation of the screw pump must be determined. The screw pump can not be reversed.

3. When the screw pump is newly installed or shut down for a few days, it can not start immediately. It should also inject proper amount of lubricant or liquid transported by the screw pump into the pump body, and then use pipe pliers to pull the screw pump several turns before starting.

4. When stainless steel screw pump transports high-viscosity liquid or corrosive medium, it should flush the cavity of screw pump with clean water or solvent to prevent blockage so as not to cause difficulty in starting screw pump next time and damage the stator.

5. When using single screw pump in winter, the volume fluid of the pump should be excluded when the temperature is too low to be used, so as to prevent the freezing crack of the pump body or the stator from being pulled out when the pump freezes next time it starts.

6. Lubricating oil should be added regularly in the bearing box during use. When seepage is found at the end of the shaft, oil seals should be handled or replaced in time.

7. If abnormal conditions occur in operation, the pump should be stopped immediately to check the causes and troubleshoot.

