
Water Ring Vacuum Pump Assembly

Pre-assembly preparation and installation process of water ring vacuum pump

Before assembling the water ring vacuum pump, the joint surface of each component should be carefully cleaned. All the mating surfaces and threads should be carefully cleaned and coated with oil. The old oil in rolling bearings and bearing racks should be removed, and the required pads should be prepared. Then the assembly should proceed in the following order.

(1) The impeller of the water ring vacuum pump is mounted on the shaft, and then the sleeve and nut are mounted.

(2) Connect the pump body and the back cover of the water ring vacuum pump, feed it into the rotor and install the front cover.

(3) Install the packing box and the front and rear bearing racks of the water ring vacuum pump, then install the rear bearing, and fix it with nuts. Adjust the gap between the impeller and the front and rear end caps. Then install the front and rear bearing caps.

(4) Install water ring vacuum pump coupling.

(5) To adjust the end clearance between impeller and front and rear cover of water ring vacuum pump, SZB-3 and SZB-4 shall not exceed 0.4mm. SZB-1 and SZB-2 shall not exceed 0.3mm. The clearance shall be obtained by adding paper pads between pump body and front and rear cover.

(6) In order to make the gap between the two sides of the water ring vacuum pump uniform, the sleeve can be used to adjust. Firstly, the rear axle is positioned, and the impeller end is drilled tightly on the end surface of the back cover. Then, the rear axle sleeve is adjusted so that the impeller moves about half of the total clearance in the direction of the coupling, and then the front axle sleeve is pressed on the impeller.

(7) Install the packing of the water ring vacuum pump and press the packing cap tightly.

(8) The assembled water-ring vacuum pump should be light, uniform and qualified without obstruction when using hand-disc coupling.




