
Dry Screw Vacuum Pump Performance Characteristics

Dry screw vacuum pump has independent innovation, strong market competitiveness in product quality and price. It can replace imported products in a wide range and has a large market demand. It will replace more than 100 fields such as chemical industry, metallurgy, electronics, petroleum, aerospace, tools, papermaking, packaging, food, medicine, medical equipment, information engineering, bioengineering and microelectronics in an all-round way. At present, vacuum equipment with low technology content.

Dry Screw Vacuum Pump Performance Characteristics:

1. Clean vacuum can be obtained without any medium in the working chamber.

2. The working chamber and the surface of the screw rotor are coated with anticorrosive coating, which can adapt to the harsh working conditions.

3. The gas is not compressed in the pump, so it is suitable to extract condensable gas.

4. A single pump can be pumped from the atmosphere to 1Pa. The vacuum system can be greatly simplified.

5. Water temperature has little effect on vacuum, saving more than 90% water, even without water consumption.

6. No fuel consumption, no drip and leakage

7. There is no friction between rotating parts. It can run at high speed and the whole body is small.

8. The structure is simple and easy to maintain.

9. The pumped gas is directly discharged from the pump body, without polluting the water, without environmental protection pressure, and the gas recovery is more convenient.

10. It can be combined with Roots vacuum pump and molecular pump to form an oil-free unit.

