
Water Ring Vacuum Pump Corrosion Repair

After using water ring vacuum pump for a period of time, if the maintenance is not in place, it is easy to cause corrosion, which can be divided into two categories: overall corrosion and local corrosion. The former occurs more evenly on all surfaces of the equipment, while the latter occurs only locally. For example, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue, hydrogen corrosion cracking, wear corrosion, delamination corrosion and so on. After serious corrosion, the working efficiency of the equipment is reduced and even needs to be replaced. Enterprises invest heavily. Corrosion repair is the key to solve this kind of problem.

Repair steps:

(1) Surface treatment: thoroughly remove the oxide layer on the surface, and clean the surface with acetone.

(2) Harmonizing material: Harmonize strictly according to the proportion, and mix evenly until there is no color difference.

(3) Daubing material: first, apply a thin layer of material, to ensure that the bonding and full coverage, and then evenly apply the material to the repair surface, to meet the required repair thickness can be.

(4) Curing: 24 hours/24 C (material temperature). The curing time can be reduced by half for every 11 C increase in material temperature, but the increase temperature should not exceed the material's withstanding temperature.

(5) Installation and precautions: Installation should be carried out according to assembly requirements. Repair and protection materials should avoid being knocked or impacted by external forces. If materials affect assembly, grinding method can be used to deal with them. Never knock, so as to avoid damaging other materials.

The application of polymer composite repairing materials in the corrosion protection of surface organic coatings is one of the effective measures to repair the corrosion of water ring vacuum pumps. Surface adhesion protection can be widely used in the repair and pre-protection of abrasion, cavitation and corrosion parts. It has good chemical resistance, excellent mechanical properties and bonding properties. Compared with the traditional welding repair of pressure vessel, it has the characteristics of simple construction, low cost, safety performance and good repair effect.





