
Dry Screw Vacuum Pump Leak Detection

Dry Screw vacuum pump is often used in industrial production process of pumping equipment, once air leakage occurs in the use process, it will not only affect the efficiency of equipment but also affect the results of work, so regular leakage detection is indispensable.

1. First of all, it is necessary to know whether the screw vacuum pump can withstand positive pressure and how much pressure it can withstand, so as to decide whether it can adopt the air leak test method and how much pressure it can fill.

2. Before checking the leakage of screw vacuum pump, we should carefully and conscientiously clean the weld seam and remove welding slag, oil pollution and dust.

3. The light in the leak detection site should be sufficient, the background in the sink should be dark, the water should be clear, and there should be no vapor on the water surface.

4. The screw vacuum pump must be inflated first and then put into the water. Otherwise, if there is a big leak, the water may enter the container and the small hole may be blocked by the water. Before releasing into the water, the audiometry should be used to check whether there is a big leak. After eliminating the big leak, the leak can be put into the water again. Otherwise, the detection of small leaks will be affected.

5. When a screw vacuum pump is just put into water, bubbles may appear on the surface of the tested parts. If these bubbles are wiped out or the bubbles do not appear after puncturing, it can be judged that there is no leakage in the original place where the bubbles were produced. If bubbles occur regularly and continuously, there are leaks where bubbles are generated.

6. The screw vacuum pump should be stable in the water, wait for the water surface to calm down and then observe.

7. Vacuum pump should be as close as possible to the water surface.

8. Mark leaks in time. When there is a big leak, the small leak should be checked after repairing.

The screw vacuum pump should be cleaned carefully before leak detection in the place where the light is better. It should not leave any suspicious place, so as to ensure that the equipment is always in a vacuum state and provide convenience for our production.




