
The development course of the localization of crusher equipment in China

Nowadays, the equipment of crusher in China is emerging internationally, which can not be separated from decades of hard research and development. Mining machinery industry has always been a high technical difficulty of large equipment, wide market demand, with the rapid development of developing countries is increasingly, the future of our country mining machinery industry is faced with more market opportunities. At the same time, in the face of such a large market demand, domestic machinery and equipment manufacturers, more should keep up with The Times, innovation.vacuum furnaces

The mobile crushing station as the signature product of the machinery, for China's backward mining machinery equipment on the basis of the height of a heavy pen. As in the recent years, the construction of new rural reconstruction and urbanization and the development of urban rail transit, led by mobile crushing plant, construction waste processing machine, also welcome to an era of rapid development.vacuum furnace

From previous depends on foreign production technology, to break the foreign technology monopoly situation now, during the period of twists and turns and hard work, as said, that's our growth history, as it is, just had today standing machinery.
High Temperature brazing furnace

