
Development of Roots vacuum pump performance

When roots vacuum pump works, rotor and rotor, rotor and pump body are not in contact with each other, so there is no direct wear. However, due to the small clearance (generally 0.10 ~ 0.25 mm), the transmission gear is worn after long-term operation. When the backlash is greater than the minimum clearance between rotors, it will collide and cause failure. At this time, the gear should be replaced. Through the performance of the practical application value ability of Roots vacuum pump, enhance the continuous promotion of the actual development ability of the product, further reflect the development advantage of the product strength with the reliable advantage level, expand the overall improvement of the practical performance, promote the improvement of the actual performance of all aspects of the product, improve the driving force of the practical performance of the product, and make it full use of the value strength of the overall development We should speed up the exertion of the advantage level of its product application, make use of its reliable practical performance, and enhance the embodiment of its product application level. 

At the same time, we should also speed up the improvement of the product advantage level of Roots vacuum pump, expand the exertion of the product application strength and the overall performance level, expand the continuous improvement of the overall application strength of the product, fully reflect the exertion of the product value strength, and further enhance the actual application advantage level with reliable product performance.

Water Ring Vacuum Pump

Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump

industrial vacuum pumps,vacuum furnaces

