
Continuous improvement in the application field of stone grinding equipment

In recent years, with the increased demand for industrial powder, powder and technology of China made by leaps and bounds in the development of powdery production, scientific research and development progress of the application and equipment manufacturing rapidly and constantly have new equipment, new products appear on the market. At the same time, as the powder equipment manufacturing enterprise, industrial powder mill equipment has been further improved and developed.Industrial furnace or ovens bottom furnace

Nowadays vico produced stone grinder is in view of the cement raw meal, clinker, ore, power plants, steel mills desulphurization limestone, fly ash powder processing is very effective, with the continuous progress of iron and steel industry technology, combined with the ceaseless improvement of grinding equipment of raw materials, mineral powder production and processing and application domain expands increasingly, the expansion of the downstream industry is a clear. Belongs to the cement industry and steel industry, basic industries, is the main energy consumption industry, in the era of advocating energy conservation and emissions reduction, and comprehensive utilization of resources, in order to reduce the excessive consumption of natural resources, on the premise of protecting the environment, the cement enterprise vigorously research using industrial waste residue, waste materials such as blast furnace slag and fly ash have been micro powder mill grinding, slag cement is used as cement admixture and production.Vacuum sintering furnace

Currently some cement enterprises have begun to use GGBS to preparation of high performance concrete, since the cost of slag is low, much lower than the cost of cement, and made of concrete performance is good, especially applicable to large commercial concrete mixing station, but the light instead of various dosage of cement in the concrete.Vacuum Oil Quenching Furnace Heat Treatment Furnace

