
The advantages of vacuum furnace performance are significant

     The advantages of vacuum furnace performance are significant
The vacuum furnace, as the name implies, is in a vacuum in the furnace, so it avoids many other types of coal burners.
Eliminating the oxidation and decarburization of the surface of the workpiece during the heating process, the cleaning surface of the non-metamorphic layer can be obtained. That only when grinding mill side of cutting tools (such as twist drill grinding after make direct exposure to edge) of the decarburization layer of the grooved surface cutting performance greatly improved relations.
No pollution of the environment, no three waste disposal.
The measurement of furnace temperature and the accuracy of monitoring are obviously improved. Indicated value of thermocouple temperature and furnace temperature reached plus or minus 1.5 ° c. But in different parts of a large number of artifacts in the furnace temperature difference is bigger, if USES the rarefied gas forced circulation, can still be controlled within + / - 5 ° c temperature difference.
High degree of electromechanical integration. On the basis of improving temperature measurement and control accuracy, the workpiece movement, air pressure adjustment, power adjustment, etc., can be programmed in advance, and the hardening and tempering are done by step.
The energy consumption is significantly lower than the salt bath furnace. Modern advanced vacuum furnace heating chamber is made of high quality insulation material of insulation walls and barriers, electric energy can be highly focused on indoor heating, energy saving effect is remarkable.

