
Vacuum furnace production technology

Vacuum furnace production technology
Under the premise of stable equipment, new technology of performance optimization of decarburization, through summarizing and analyzing the carbon and oxygen utilization, and the yields of aluminium deoxidizing and alloying, found some empirical formula, vacuum time is greatly reduced, production speed, improve the quality of the products.
Ultra-low carbon steel vacuum furnace production technology in the process, it is difficult to control has two aspects, first, how to carbon and a minimum of 15 minutes, the second, how to 15 minutes after the remnants of oxygen content in liquid steel decarburization aluminum one-time add in place, can make the aluminum deoxidation, and ensure the aluminum alloy.
In this way, it is able to accommodate between 25 and 30 minutes. Otherwise, the vacuum time greatly extended. In the process of production of ultra-low carbon steel, along with the expansion of smelting time resistance materials and contact between liquid steel has also led to the steel back of carbon, in addition, the ultra low carbon steel because of the quantity more than aluminum, produced a lot of Al2O3 inclusions, so aluminum connecting the sooner, the better for Al2O3 inclusions float process is more advantageous to hou road operation and improve the quality of our products.

