
The function of vacuum brazing furnace

The function of vacuum brazing furnace
The function of vacuum brazing furnace, vacuum brazing furnace quenching, tempering, annealing) is through the material or parts in the condition of vacuum brazing furnace according to the technical process of heating, cooling, to achieve the expected performance a processing method. Vacuum brazing furnace brazing in the condition of vacuum brazing furnace, heating up a set of components to the filler metal melting point temperature above, but below the substrate metal melting point temperature, with the aid of filler metal to wet and flow of metal in the matrix form of weld a welding process. (brazing temperature in different material varies) vacuum brazing furnace sintering in the condition of vacuum brazing furnace, heat the metal powder products, make the adjacent metal powder grain by adhesion and diffusion effect and a method of burn into parts. Vacuum brazing furnace plus magnetic is mainly suitable for metal materials and magnetic treatment.

