
Vacuum quenching furnace water quenching method

Vacuum quenching furnace water quenching method
Everyone at the time of vacuum quenching furnace of water quenching, must operate in accordance with the requirements! The following is the vacuum quenching furnace water quenching in detail:
Quenching furnace body is made up of steel and steel plates welded together, the inner wall of the furnace lining is made of stainless steel plate connected to the furnace shell into a whole, within the furnace andfurnace sandwich filling aluminum silicate refractory fibre and used as heat insulation. The oven door design at the bottom of the furnace body, that is to say into or out from the bottom of pass in and out of the artifact. The furnace under the mouth open, oven door closed action with the method of mechanical transmission, through the motor, reducer, chain wheel, chain, guide rails, etc. Heating elements with high resistance alloy resistance band, through a dedicated link arrangement on both sides of the tank, insulation and bladder.
The ventilator is composed of blower and wind deflector, blower motor electrical chain, with the heating element only when the blower after connect to electricity, heating element which can guarantee the heating element can work under the condition of the ventilation and circulation. The charging basket and in and out of the skip by steel welded together, and make adjustment level of center of gravity, lifting up and down. This furnace is equipped with baskets and furnace to ensure that users can work in a timely manner. Feed, feed baskets on the car, pull and push, into the furnace bottom, furnace door open and Yang machine work, hook on the chain, the charging basket hanging charging, shut down the stove for heating. Discharge, open the oven door, turn Yang motor, the charging basket into a pool of water quenching process, and then the material basket on car of the water surface, chain hook, Yang machine upgrade, pull the car out, aging treatment.
At the bottom of the furnace body is equipped with a pool of water, so that the workpiece in this short time into the pool. Control part adopts thyristor, digital readout of temperature control and alarm, etc. Electric furnace in the oven door closing mechanism and loading lifting structure with limited position switch, this switch contact control cabinet power supply, when the workpiece rose to the highest point, turn on the oven door closed power supply, and the contact element power supply. When the oven door to open, to cut off the heating element power, lifting mechanism and connected power supply, quenching furnace decreased artifact for water quenching.

