
Heat Treatment of Temper-able Aluminum alloys

  Heat Treatment of Temper-able Aluminum alloys

Aluminum with its alloys is becoming more and more important in the development of lightweight materials for use in the automotive industry. To meet the strength standards required for this purpose, heat treatment of the materials is often necessary.
Sophisticated process engineering provides for increased strength
For the heat treatment of temperable aluminum alloys Shanghai Gehang provides solutions for the process steps annealing, quenching and aging adapted to the specific requirements.heat traetment vacuum furnace.
Annealing is performed at approx. 535 °C for a period of several hours. Mixed aluminum crystals are formed, in which the alloying constituents such as silicon and magnesium are completely dissolved.
Quenching serves for "freezing" this condition. This prevents the precipitation of the alloying constituents dissolved in the mixed crystal.
The subsequent aging is performed at 140 °C to 200 °C for several hours. In this process, the required strength is achieved due to segregation processes in the crystal.
Rendering processes stable and reproducible
The conceptual and construction design of Shanghai Gehang heat treatment plants is performed with the clear objective of accomplishing stable and reproducible processes. The design of the circulating air flow, the definition of the heating zone length (gas-heated or electrically heated), the conveyor concept as well as the design of the quench will be optimized and adapted to the requirements of the actual products before accomplishing this objective. This ensures an equal starting basis for all the products being manufactured with the objective of leaving the production plant as a "first class" end product.
SIMUWU engineer has both in-depth process knowledge and extensive project experience. As a leading manufacturer of heat-treatment plants, with over 60 customer references, Shanghai Gehang is the partner of choice for manufacturers of aluminum structural components for cars and cylinder heads, engine blocks, transmission parts, other aluminum parts, and wheels.

