
The solutions to Vacuum induction furnace FAQ

The solutions to Vacuum induction furnace FAQ

 Vacuum induction furnace is an important device vacuum smelting. The key is used for smelting precision alloy, alloy steel, magnetic materials and high-temperature materials. Vacuum induction furnace, there are two: namely, intermittent and semi-continuous capacity of less than 150 kg of the furnace commonly intermittent, two capacities between 150-300 kg can be used, and capacity is more than 500 kg using a semi-continuous.
Staff at the time of using a vacuum induction furnace smelting, often encounter a variety of problems, today's vacuum furnace Ltd. Suzhou Joe on compiled some frequently asked questions, and also organize a number of methods to solve these problems, hope Consumers are able to have a little help, here together to understand under vacuum induction furnace FAQ What now.
1, vacuum induction furnace SPLASH
Vacuum induction furnace smelting such a problem at this time is mainly composed of two reasons: one is melting fast, the charge inside the exhaust gas is not sufficient, or that there is a problem in bridging the melting process, the lower part of the crucible of molten metal temperature is too high, chunks of cold material suddenly fall into the bath inside, this will cause splashing; the other reason is supplemented with the alloy material inside, a relatively high content of the gas, the added excessive speed, high temperature, had a chance to fully deflate it was melted into a liquid, and so are likely to cause splash. So for such a vacuum  furnace smelting problem how to solve it?
Solution: One way is to start from the preparation and loading of raw materials, on the choice of a suitable power supply system, careful operation in the melting time, avoid bridging situations, and supplemented with alloy material time, first bath down to a suitable temperature of molten steel, then slowly added to avoid splashing. Another approach is to take place after the splash, to the appropriate cooling, slow down the reaction, let boil slowly weaken. Have a big splash at the time, you can pass into the argon gas, reduce the degree of vacuum, increase the pressure inside the furnace, molten steel after pressing calm boiling, then continue evacuated.
2, vacuum induction furnace slag circle problems arise
Such problems arise when smelting is caused by two reasons: the crucible smelting long time, taking the process in constant spray of liquid steel, thereby forming a slag circle. Another reason is that the molten steel inside the gas content is relatively high, when rapidly evacuated slag formation lap.
Solution: There are three solutions, the first lap after the slag generated in the prepurge time, by increasing the load volume and front and rear tipping way to put out hot slag circle. Second, has left circle arc slag, can be treated by feeding baskets. Third, for large slag circle, as it has been the crucible of welding relatively solid, so it can be used to break the vacuum of the way, the direct use of fire to clear welding or welding.
3, vacuum induction furnace bridging problems arise
Bridging problems arise when smelting the following main reasons: charge too long; steel containing carbon monoxide in addition, when carbon monoxide board later joined, when the molten solder, which appears bridge; slag ring too large appears bridge.
Solution: There are three solutions: First, use a hammer hanging breaking open; second, tilting crucible with molten steel of the bridge parts hot start; third, to bridge serious, can be taken to break the vacuum processing.

