
The influencing factors of vacuum furnace temperature to transfer

The influencing factors of vacuum furnace temperature to transfer
1, the strength of the vacuum furnace heating element, in the design, mainly in the form of heat. Internal heat source heating, temperature, from inside to outside, the strength size directly affect the temperature distribution in the furnace. When the inner court, the higher, the higher the temperature of the a fixed-point, at the same time must be the bigger the temperature difference distribution area. So, in the actual production process, can control the surface of the furnace core through the load or furnace core power control furnace temperature distribution.
2, reaction material from the core of distance, when furnace core power must have, namely the strength of the internal heating element must have, the farther distance furnace core of reaction, the lower the temperature, may not be able to achieve the required temperature reaction, the closer distance furnace core, the higher the temperature, the reaction.
3, burden the better performance of radiator cooling performance of the furnace charge, internal heat loss, the faster the outward heat loss in the reaction of material very easily, cause a fixed temperature decrease. But if the cooling performance of the reaction is not good, is needed for the convergence of heat, allows heat to pass time lengthen, conducive to the material to absorb heat and reaction, raise the temperature of a fixed point. Reaction under the condition of high vacuum (pa) 4 ~ 13, reaction temperature 1200 ℃, temperature of furnace core will soon be able to achieve the required value, so the reaction time of depending on the thickness of the material, the reaction furnace core periphery thought furnace insulation layer in the distance. Can through the design of furnace size control power supply time.


The influencing factors of vacuum furnace temperature to transfer the three main factors

The influencing factors of vacuum furnace temperature to transfer the three main factors

According to the temperature field distribution equations, the internal heating type vacuum furnaces the whole temperature field distribution, mainly depends on several aspects of constraints. Namely material average coefficient of thermal conductivity, the average density of P and q on average than hot melt c.. Factors that influence the vacuum furnace temperature to transfer includes the following three points:
1: the strength of the furnace heating element, in the design, mainly in the form of inner heat source. Internal heat source heating, temperature, from inside to outside. The strength of size directly affect the temperature distribution in the furnace. By (5) it can be seen that when the higher the heat inside roar, a fixed point of the higher the temperature, at the same time a certain temperature difference (delta T) of (r), the greater the distribution area. So, in the actual production process, can control the surface of the furnace core through the load or furnace core power control furnace temperature distribution.
2: the response is the distance from the furnace core (delta r), when a certain core power, namely the inner heat source strength must be, the farther distance furnace core of reaction, the lower the temperature, may not be able to reach required temperature reaction. The closer distance furnace core, the higher the temperature, the reaction.
3; Burden of heat dissipation performance, the burden of the heat dissipation performance, the better, the faster the internal heat loss outward, heat loss in the reaction of material very easily, cause a fixed temperature decrease. But if the cooling performance of the reaction is not good, is needed for the convergence of heat, allows heat to pass time lengthen, conducive to the material to absorb heat and reaction, raise the temperature of a fixed point. Should be under the condition of high vacuum (pa) 4 ~ 13, reaction temperature 1200 ℃, the core temperature will soon be able to achieve the required value, so the reaction time of depending on the thickness of the material, namely the reaction furnace core periphery expect furnace insulation distance. Can through the design of furnace size control power supply time.


Vacuum furnace of common sense

Vacuum furnace of common sense
1, vacuum high-pressure gas quenching furnace, high speed steel, stainless steel, die steel, good hardenability materials, the characteristics of the vacuum heat treatment deformation small, after the heat treatment of parts of parts does not need to clean. Defects cost high, will not be repaid quenching gases. High pressure gas quenching vacuum furnace from the structure can be divided into two horizontal and vertical. Level can be divided into single room, double room and the chamber of commerce. Vertical circular cylinder and the application of long rod parts heat treatment. Vacuum high-pressure gas quenching furnace quenching pressure is usually 2 b AR 10 b A R. Can choose according to the needs of users type furnace parts is applicable to pressure.
2, vacuum furnace can be divided into single rooms, double rooms and vertical generally used nickel-chromium alloy heating temperature is 800, NE. Vacuum tempering furnace general requirements after tempering parts surface light, no oxidation color.
3, vacuum furnace, can be divided into the single room, double room and vertical. Vacuum furnace based on component selection of materials under high temperature and low temperature, high temperature, 800 ℃ ~ 1350 ℃, the temperature is 800 ℃).


Troubleshooting method of vacuum furnace

Troubleshooting method of vacuum furnace
Vacuum furnace in daily use shall timely maintenance and maintenance, if vacuum furnace product quality is not very good or not timely maintenance may appear a little problem, the following to introduce some troubleshooting methods of the vacuum furnace.
Vacuum furnace of troubleshooting
The experiment of low temperature if can not meet the standard to look at the same temperature to reduce speed. If is temperature drop slowly you will need to check whether work under indoor without drying process. Studio in testing prior to drying processing and placed too much experiment, so that make the air cycle cannot cause; If this is not the need to check the cooling system of the equipment, refrigeration equipment need professional personnel to check.
High temperature experiment when the temperature was not up to standard, need to check the electrical system, use the method to determine failure problems. Temperature increase at a slower speed if you need to see if the regulating plate in the circulatory system in closed effect cycle, or check whether the fan system normal operation. Once if the temperature is too high, can make the machine trigger over temperature protection, need to check the problems is to control the instrument, there is a problem can be directly replaced.


The high temperature furnace lining maintenance and maintenance

The high temperature furnace lining maintenance and maintenance
Lining maintenance (1) when the longitudinal cracking furnace wall, should be taken to slow heating way, make the melting of the reentry after crack bridging. (2) when the transverse cracking furnace wall, according to the actual situation in the transverse crack in fill in the fine powder, refractory material, then charging melting. (3) when the hearth erosion, available lining material for repair, and covered with iron plate after repair, add metal melt furnace charge low power full power to melt again after a period of time. Lining maintenance (4) under the cold furnace condition commonly, the furnace should use natural cooling, cooling or water cooling system does not allow water to cool. (5) melting at the end of the net liquid iron, in order to prevent the crack of the furnace wall, should be added for thermal insulation asbestos board on the front. (6) if it was stopped for a long time, the next time when blow-in melt slowly heat up, the lining of the small cracks close on its own.


A common use of vacuum furnace

A common use of vacuum furnace
A common use of vacuum heat treatment furnace steel alloy. Many applications involving heat treatment of steel, makes it tough, through a service of quenching and tempering. Sclerosis involving heat the steel to a predetermined temperature, and then rapidly cooling.
The application of vacuum furnace brazing ideal choice. Brazing is a kind of heat treatment process, the other is used to connect two or more base metal parts, through the filler metal melting thin layer in the space between them.
Further applications of vacuum furnace, vacuum carburizing, also known as the low pressure carburizing or LPC. In the process of gas (such as acetylene) was introduced to the temperature of the hot spots, usually in the partial pressure of 1600 f and 1950 f. Broken into its constituent elements (in this case, the carbon and hydrogen) gas. Carbon atoms, and then spread to the surface of the part of the area. Often repeat, the function of the input of the gas and the duration of the diffusion time. Work once the correct "shell", usually adopt oil or high pressure gas (HPGQ) normally, nitrogen or helium faster quenching induction quenching. This process is also known as case hardening.


With characteristics of vacuum furnace

With characteristics of vacuum furnace
Vacuum furnace is dry and sensitive, easy oxidation, or easy to break down material for design. You can use the internal part filled with inert gases, for some objects with complex components quick drying is particularly convenient.
Rectangular studio maximum effective volume. Microcomputer temperature controller can control temperature accurately. In the viewing room steel bulletproof double glass door to make indoor objects at a glance.
Case of open or close, can adjust elasticity. The overall shape of the silicone rubber door seal ensures a high vacuum chamber. Chamber using stainless steel (or wire-drawing sheet), to ensure the durability of the product.
Storage, heating, test, and dry with oxygen or inert gas under the environment of so they will not be oxidation. The shortest heating time, compared with the traditional vacuum drying oven, the heating time is reduced by 50% or more.


Continuous high temperature brazing furnace working principle and composition

Continuous high temperature brazing furnace working principle and composition
High temperature continuous brazing furnace is the decomposition of ammonia decomposition equipment out of hydrogen after purification of hydrogen nitrogen mixture as protective atmosphere under the influence of continuous brazing and bright annealing of special equipment, main use: iron base, copper base workpiece workpieces, continuous brazing of stainless steel workpiece and light processing.
(1), continuous brazing furnace parts:
The equipment by the actuator (feed), the preheating section, heating furnace, cooling section, driven organization (discharge), sea pneumatic control system, electric control system and liquid ammonia decomposition furnace, etc.
1, the working principle of the
Work-piece with stainless steel mesh belt transmission, placed on the mesh belt, from the preheating section inlet, through the mesh belt transmission, through preheating, heating, cooling (solder melting). From cooling period of discharging of artifacts within the muff ruler is pure hydrogen gas protection, due to the reducing hydrogen gas, make the product surface bright, no oxidation. Artifacts is welded by heating the workpiece, melt filling material (solder), using capillary action to make liquid solder filling the space between the parent metal, welding after cooling to achieve.
2, work process
Manual feeding to mesh belt transmission, the preheating section - mesh belt transmission - heating section (solder melting) - > mesh belt transmission to cooling section, manual


What are the graphite in the application of vacuum furnace

What are the graphite in the application of vacuum furnace
Normally, the industry could be divided into: graphite vacuum furnace according to the temperature low temperature graphite graphite temperature vacuum in vacuum furnace, furnace, high temperature vacuum furnace.
Low temperature vacuum furnace: working temperature below 1150 ℃ oven; In the vacuum furnace temperature graphite: working temperature at 1150 ℃ to 1600 ℃ oven; High temperature vacuum furnace: working temperature higher than 1600 ℃ oven;
Graphite materials commonly used vacuum furnace heating body features:
Graphite, vacuum is often used to 2200 ℃, 2300 ℃ vacuum significantly increased evaporation, maintain the atmosphere (inert gas) for pressure elements in evaporation is abate, can be used in the 2400 ℃;
Graphite furnace vacuum furnace (heating body, the reflective screen) material:
Gas maintenance or graphite material of vacuum furnace, tungsten, tantalum, graphite usually are three;
Heating graphite, graphite is used in vacuum furnace should be high purity, high strength, such as static pressure molding isotropic three high graphite, otherwise will not be strong high temperature function and electrical function and service life; Domestic graphite vacuum furnace to choose domestic graphite furnace type, more for demand is not high in the low temperature vacuum furnace. Trust, follow the quality improvement of domestic graphite progress, in the high temperature furnace, graphite will be widely used.
Because the vacuum furnace temperature cooling speed is slow, low temperature fast cooling is advocated measures, advance production efficiency. Low temperature fast circulation, circulation outside the furnace can choose furnace, two methods, the cooling gas usually choose an inert gas.


The working principle of vacuum gas quenching furnace treatment

The working principle of vacuum gas quenching furnace treatment

The vacuum quenching have liquid quenching and quenching. Gas quenching after vacuum heating the workpiece to the cooling chamber filled with high purity gas such as nitrogen for cooling. Suitable for gas quenching with high speed steel and high carbon high chromium steel martensite critical cooling rate lower material. Liquid quenching is the workpiece heated in the heating chamber, moved to the cooling chamber filled with high purity nitrogen and immediately into the quenching tank, fast cooling. If need high surface quality of workpiece vacuum quenching and tempering after solution heat treatment and precipitation hardening should still take place in a vacuum furnace.


The importance of the theory of vacuum furnace cooling system

The importance of the theory of vacuum furnace cooling system
The vacuum gas quenching furnace with graphite heater heating way, by the body, vacuum system, water system, air system, startup system, electric control management system and so on several parts of structure.
Vacuum furnace in close vacuum heating by electric heating element, and has important effect on the service life of furnace body cooling system. Work condition cooling water channel should be kept unobstructed, avoid water temperature rise the phenomenon of downtime impact production schedule.
If water cooling system disorder, vacuum furnace heating system after long use a contraction harden etc. Phenomenon, serious still can appear short circuit phenomenon, reduce the service life of the furnace body is normal. So attention should be paid to the use of the cooling system maintenance, reduce sediment accumulation in the piping and water jacket, keep the water flow.
Periodically maintenance care, once appear, loss of expensive machines burning phenomenon, also prone to accidents, so the cooling system normal operation of the staff to ignore.


The three outstanding advantages, high temperature vacuum furnace

The three outstanding advantages, high temperature vacuum furnace
High temperature vacuum furnace can reach to the flows, is a kind of vacuum heating equipment, today the mysteries of the high temperature vacuum furnace for everyone. High temperature vacuum furnace in the furnace chamber within a particular space using the vacuum system, by the vacuum pump, vacuum measuring device and vacuum valve components such as carefully, substances out of furnace cavity part, making furnace chamber pressure is less than a standard atmospheric pressure, so as to realize a vacuum furnace cavity space, that is the vacuum furnace. In close vacuum state through the electric heating element heating furnace, the experimental furnace. In the metal casing or quartz glass sealing furnace used in pipeline connection with high vacuum pump systems. Vacuum chamber of a stove or furnace can be up to 133 x (2 ~ 10-10-4) Pa. Furnace heating system can be directly or silicon molybdenum rods with silicon carbide electric heating, high frequency induction heating is also available. Is mainly used for ceramic sintering, vacuum smelting and electric vacuum parts in addition to gas, annealing, brazing of the metal, and ceramic, metal seal etc.
1, can eliminate heat in the process of oxidation and decarburization on the surface of the workpiece, clean surface without metamorphic layer can be obtained. That only when grinding mill side of the cutting tool, such as twist drill grinding after make the groove on the surface of the decarburization layer directly exposed to the blade, the cutting performance of improved relations.
2, on the environment pollution-free, "three wastes" treatment is not required.
3, obviously improve the temperature measurement, the monitoring precision. Indicated value of thermocouple temperature and furnace temperature reached plus or minus 1.5 ° c. But in different parts of a large number of artifacts in the furnace temperature difference is bigger, if USES the rarefied gas forced circulation, can still be controlled within + / - 5 ° c temperature difference.
High degree of high temperature vacuum furnace electromechanical integration. Increase in the temperature measurement and control accuracy, on the basis of the workpiece moving, pressure adjustment, power adjustment, etc all can set programming in advance, according to the steps to implement the quenching and tempering. Energy consumption significantly below the salt bath furnace. Modern advanced vacuum furnace heating chamber is made of high quality insulation material of insulation walls and barriers, electric energy can be highly focused on indoor heating, energy saving effect is remarkable.


Simple understanding of vacuum brazing furnace

Simple understanding of vacuum brazing furnace
Everyone's understanding of vacuum brazing furnace how many? In order to make people more about the product master, we'll give you a brief introduction of below!
Vacuum brazing furnace is the large-scale equipment, heat treatment can be vacuum brazing, vacuum annealing, vacuum aging and other processing. Programmable multiple different procedures, it can control and into hundreds of heat treatment curve points, six points up, down, left and right sides, front and rear area temperature control, there are more and single point temperature recorder and over temperature protection device, furnace temperature uniformity can be controlled in less than 3 ℃, the other with the installation of high purity nitrogen high flow of strong cold. The equipment has a large amount of furnace charging and high efficiency, have special request for complex parts and parts no need for supplementary processing products.


Vacuum brazing furnace high precision temperature control system

Vacuum brazing furnace high precision temperature control system
Introduces the vacuum brazing furnace high precision temperature control system of the composition, working principle and using computer to realize automatic high precision temperature control algorithm. Practice shows that in different power vacuum heating equipment, using the control algorithm can achieve satisfactory control effect.
Along with the computer technology, the rapid development of modern control theory and industrial computer process control system has been widely used, in a lot of control engineering, have been obtained accurate control laws and methods, and can make the controlled object to get the desired response. At present, in the aspect of industrial kiln temperature automatic control, by using microcomputer to realize the direct digital control system to replace the analog PID control has been obviously, this not only improves the performance of the control system and control precision, but also enhance the control of the system. With the function. Vacuum brazing technology get more and more widely used in various industrial fields. Especially in the aerospace industry, some parts of brazing for heating speed and precision of temperature control are put forward higher requirements. In order to meet these parts brazing process, we developed to grind a sword the new brazing equipment, using microcomputer to realize high degree of automatic temperature control, can be in accordance with the requirements of different brazing technology automatically complete the whole process of soldering process. Differential signal processing such as PID control algorithm, so that the controlled volume stability in value. Temperature control system consists of two parts, the main circuit and control circuit, the principle of electrical control system structure is shown in figure 1. Figure 1 control system structure diagram, system composition and principle of using computer to realize automatic temperature control, must first put the furnace temperature of measured signal accurately in the form of digital t into the computer control system, and then compared with setting temperature to form both the deviation of the signal, the computer according to the partial main circuit including the ac power and magnetic voltage regulator, silicon controlled rectifier voltage regulator device.


The development of the multi-purpose high temperature vacuum furnace

The development of the multi-purpose high temperature vacuum furnace
According to thermal ion fuel element manufacturing process and equipment requirements, combined with high temperature and vacuum brazing furnace and vacuum annealing furnace structure, developed by the multi-purpose tantalum high-temperature vacuum furnace, it can be used to vacuum annealing, high temperature degassing, high temperature vacuum brazing process for many purposes, etc. Main technical parameters of no.1 is: the limit temperature of 2000 ℃; Ultimate vacuum 7 x 10-5 pa; Vacuum hot work about 10-4 pa; Effective heating zones Ч sizes ф 80 mm 80 mm; Mean temperature zone temperature deviation plus or minus 5.6 ℃ or less and more than 1600 ℃ measurement; Manual and automatic temperature control temperature control mode, can free conversion; Automatic temperature control error of 0.3% or less; The vacuum system for oil free vacuum system; Take time to time to 7 x 10-4 pa, 20 min or less; 20 kw power rating.
Has a high working temperature and vacuum degree, time quick, no oil vapor pollution, thermal inertia small, uniform temperature, temperature control accurate, convenient operation, safe and reliable characteristics. This furnace is designed for single room, vertical, loading, internal heating, resistance heating, vacuum furnace, tantalum heating element, metal screen heat insulation structure. This type of vacuum furnace thermal inertia small, high working temperature, but more complex structure and control, manufacturing installation accuracy requirement is high, difficult to debug. The whole equipment mainly includes vacuum furnace shell, heating element and the metal heat shield, vacuum system and electric control system and so on several parts.


Annealing furnace energy-saving aspects promote industrial development should be better

Annealing furnace energy-saving aspects promote industrial development should be better

With the development of science and technology and the engineering technical personnel's efforts, increasingly to develop in the direction of high yield, energy conservation and annealing furnace, furnace type structure more reasonable, compact annealing process will be, the annealing quality enhances unceasingly, meet the different needs of users.
To formulate reasonable continuous annealing process curve of metal recrystallization annealing temperature and cold rolling, the deformation level of the chemical composition of substrate, the heating speed, the original microstructure factors, such as how to finish the recrystallization annealing in line, can be in the production practice in different ways to satisfy the demands of various steel recrystallization temperature. However, change the strip heating and cooling in the annealing furnace q is the most effective way. To facilitate the operation, reduce artificial interference factors should formulate annealing process table, annealing curve drawing, to get the most out of annealing curve to the production practice.
Fully computerized control system operation control of modern continuous annealing furnace hot galvanizing unit including furnace tension control, shape control and running deviation control, combustion control, temperature control, furnace pressure control, etc. Control system should achieve the following functions: to adjust execution according to field instrument detection system; The fan start and stop the program logic control, safety monitoring system and cooling system, gas burner ignition and other logic control; Operating parameters, medium consumption and production statistics display and record; PC display system and the operator of exchange; Setting procedure, the operator designated, the mathematical model for calculation of dynamic control and accident of logic control, production report; Contact and exchange of information with process computer. Join the site instrument for the exchange of digital and analog signals. Strip steel based on the actual situation and the target heating system, through the mathematical model for the setpoint of furnace parameters automatically. Realize the above control function can play a maximum efficiency of the furnace, reducing furnace unit consumption.


Vacuum induction furnace processing technology

Vacuum induction furnace processing technology

Vacuum furnace according to the structure can be divided into vertical and horizontal two series, the series is divided into vertical bell lift and lift the bottom tray. Horizontal series of single structure and front and rear double open the door to open the door again two kinds of structure. Furnace adopt water-cooled wall structures.
Heating equipment to protect the greenhouse adopts full metal typeand compound two to choose from, all metal type of heat-resisting stainless steel and molybdenum screen; Compound of heat-resisting stainless steel, molybdenum screen and carbon felt, mullite fiber or silicate fiber composition. The specific choice depends on the user's process conditions and the requirement of process environment.
Heater is nichrome wire (belt), molybdenum wire (belt, bar), several types such as graphite, specific choice depends on the user's maximum temperature. Heater distribution have heating type and all-round heating two all around, to ensure that the user requirements for uniform temperature in the vacuum furnace type.
Cooling system has roots blower external loop structure, centrifugal fan centrifugal fan outside loop structure, cold wall circulate in several types such as the structure, meet the requirements of different cooling speed.
Vacuum system with pump + + mechanical pump, turbomolecular pump, turbomolecular pump, mechanical pump, diffusion pump, roots pump and mechanical pump, roots pump + mechanical pump, low temperature condensate pump + several types such as mechanical pump, according to the ultimate vacuum index selection.
Imported intelligent temperature controller, temperature control can realize the automatic control of heating, constant temperature, cooling function; With process curve storage function, can store several different process curve; Have litre cooling speed is adjustable and accurate clock function, can also according to the actual temperature and set temperature and other parameters; A vacuum furnace operation and power-fail protection function. Has a perfect alarm and protection.


Vacuum gas quenching furnace in daily production to pay attention to item

Vacuum gas quenching furnace in daily production to pay attention to item
Heat treatment is a kind of widespread in industrial process, usually is carried out under vacuum heat treatment, this leads to vacuum gas quenching furnace is widely used in daily industrial production, so in the process of using need to pay attention to what?
Tightly squeezed vacuum seal: it is well known that most of the parts for vacuum heat treatment are conducted in airtight vacuum gas quenching furnace, thus, obtain and shake the leak rate due to the stove, ensure that does not make the vacuum degree of vacuum furnace, vacuum heat treatment to ensure parts quality most has very important significance, so a key problem of vacuum heat treatment furnace, is sufficient to have reliable vacuum sealing structure, in order to guarantee the vacuum performance of vacuum furnace, vacuum heat treatment furnace structure must be followed in the design of a basic principle, is the furnace should use airtight welding, at the same time as little as possible to open or not open hole in the furnace body, less use or avoid using dynamic sealing structure, to reduce the vacuum leak, do the most installed on the vacuum furnace parts, accessories such as water-cooled electrodes, such as thermocouple export stomach also must design the seal structure.


The advantages and benefits of vacuum oil quenching furnace

The advantages and benefits of vacuum oil quenching furnace
Vacuum oil quenching furnace is widely used in ceramics, metallurgy, electronics, glass, chemical, mechanical, refractories, the development of new materials, special materials and building materials production and experiment.
Vacuum oil quenching furnace has many advantages, is widely used in various places, then introduce you to:
Vacuum oil quenching furnace operation is convenient, programmable, PID self-tuning, automatic heating, automatic heat preservation, cooling, without unattended. Can match with the computer communications through computer operation furnace (launch electric furnace, to stop the electric furnace, suspension temperature and set temperature curve, store temperature curve, history curve, etc.). In addition also has the advantages of quickly increase, energy saving furnace imported refractory materials, heat preservation performance is good, high heat resistance, resistance to thermal shock.
For gas quenching furnace, suit to deal with a higher hardenability materials of small (e.g., 35 crmnsi small) and high hardenability of material artifacts, oil quenching furnace application than the former is relatively wide, the highest because of high pressure gas cooling rate is smaller than the cooling speed of quench oil a lot; But gas quenching furnace operation and maintenance is simple compared to the latter. In short what kind of furnace is mainly to choose according to the heat treatment performance of products to choose.


What are the working characteristics of the vacuum furnace advantage?

What are the working characteristics of the vacuum furnace advantage?

Vacuum furnace is the use of the characteristics of water under the condition of low pressure has a low boiling point, fast heat sealing furnace heat medium filled in water, high temperature steam, heat medium water boiling evaporating out water vapor condenses on the heat exchange tube heat exchange tube in cold water, hot water supply.
(1) vacuum negative pressure operation, really do not explode, excellent safety.
(2) the success of the bearing steel high temperature, high separation, prolongs the service life of 2-3 times, design service life of up to 30 years.
(3) the overall design scientific, reasonable and compact, covers an area of 50-70% saving.
(4) in the body to heat exchange, the machine efficiency is as high as 91% above, start after 2-3 minutes can provide 70-80 ℃ hot water, greatly reducing the preheating period and reduce energy waste.
(5) automatic control, intelligent control, unmanned or remote network.
(6) the built-in stainless steel heat exchanger, water without any pollution.
(7) by indirect + + external heat exchanger (boiler circulating pump + + material installation fee) heating form, installation cost savings more than 30-40%.
(8) with high efficiency, fast heating, good heat exchange, the fuel costs, saving more than 20-30%.


Installation of tubular vacuum furnace

Installation of tubular vacuum furnace

1. Please read this manual carefully before installation
2. Be careful when installation, can't touch quartz tube, parts clean up first
Assembly sequence: external pressure ring 1 from quartz tube into the first, then 1 set of silicone rubber o-rings into, again to set into the internal pressure ring, silicone rubber o-rings then 2 sets into; Strike two silicone rubber circle to the right position, go up to 2 sets of external pressure ring. (note: at this time should adjust within two silicon rubber o-rings and pressure ring position, make the quartz tube end not on outer pressure ring end face, the 2 mm gap) should be reserved.
After installed the diagram below, the appropriate pressure, no card.
The M5 * 30 with inner hexagon spanner socket head cap screw screwing in; (note: before screwing in the tag, again on the threaded hole, screwing should be one by one, each bolt screwing in 90 degrees, so the three screws tighten. Absolutely can't tighten a screw to spin again after another two, to ensure that the three screws evenly at the same time below after tightening the screw assembly of air inlet pipe, valve and pressure gauge assembly: installed at one end, and then insert the quartz tube furnace lining, the quartz tube at the other end also according to the above method to install. After installation of both sides, adjust the quartz tube in the center of the furnace body, then good trachea, the installation is complete.


Practical applications of induction furnace

Practical applications of induction furnace
A, induction furnace used for heat treatment: all kinds of metal partial or whole quenching, annealing, tempering, diathermy;
Second, the induction furnace used for thermal type: the whole parts forging, forging, hot upsetting, hot rolling;
Three, induction furnace is used for welding, brazing of various kinds of metal products, all kinds of cutter blades, saw blade welding, steel pipe, copper pipe welding, the same dissimilar metal welding;
Four, induction furnace used for smelting metal: gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum and other metal (vacuum), smelting, casting molding and evaporation coating;
Five, high-frequency heating machine other applications: semiconductor crystal growth, shrink fit, bottle heat sealing, toothpaste heat sealing, powder coating, metal implants plastic, etc.


With low voltage high current vacuum arc furnace

With low voltage high current vacuum arc furnace
Vacuum arc furnace in vacuum heat treatment, the workpiece (or material) can improve the worker, mould service life, no oxidation, no decarburization, surface brightness, small deformation, pollution-free, to save energy and change the mechanical properties and metallurgical properties, etc.
Electric arc furnace is using the principle of metal smelting furnace. Under the environment of vacuum arc furnace is vacuum arc furnace. Vacuum arc smelting with high current, low voltage operation, belong to the short arc. General electric arc voltage for the 22 ~ 65 v, corresponding to the arc length of 20 ~ 50 mm (the latter for big ingot). From smelting white gold experiment success since 1839, in the later one hundred years people started to research of refractory metal smelting. Vacuum arc furnace in 1953 will be officially used in industry. Until 1956, the United States and many European countries still use the self-consuming furnace melting titanium, began in 1955 with the self-consuming furnace steelmaking. Around 1960 self-consuming furnace production has reached more than 30 - ton ingot, begun to take shape. In order to improve the productivity and improve equipment utilization, two furnace share a set of main power, vacuum system and automatic control system.
With low voltage large current: in vacuum container, really a lxlo degrees with a few empty - 1 when the scope of the vacuum container under high voltage electric conductor, glow discharge is produced. In the vacuum heat treatment furnace, serious can produce arc discharge, burning electric heating element, insulation, etc., cause serious accident and loss. As a result, the working voltage of electric heating element of the vacuum heat treatment furnace, are generally not more than 80 a 100 v. In the electric heating element structure design at the same time to take effective measures, such as to avoid a sophisticated components, the spacing between the electrode cannot be too narrow, preventing the occurrence of glow discharge and arc discharge.


Use vacuum solidification shell furnace are as follows

Use vacuum solidification shell furnace are as follows

USES: widely used in ceramics, metallurgy, electronics, glass, chemical, mechanical, refractories, the development of new materials, special materials and building materials production and experiment.
Features: open the door way: side open, lock, door can rotate
1, control accuracy: + / - 1 ℃ furnace temperature uniformity: + / - 1 ℃ (according to the size of the heating chamber and decide).
2, easy to operate, programmable, PID self-tuning, automatic heating, automatic heat preservation, cooling, without unattended. Can match with the computer communications through computer operation furnace (launch electric furnace, to stop the electric furnace, suspension temperature and set temperature curve, store temperature curve, history curve, etc.), software free see: computer control system.
3, quick heating (heating rate of 1 ℃ / h to 40 ℃ / min adjustable).
4, energy saving (furnace is made of imported fiber, high temperature resistant, resistant to thermal shock quench)
5, furnace by the delicate coating corrosion resistance to acid and alkali, furnace and furnace isolation used air-cooled furnace wall temperature close to room temperature
6, the double circuit protection (overtemperature and overpressure, superfluid, section I, power outages, etc.)
7, furnace imported refractory materials, heat preservation performance is good, high heat resistance, resistance to thermal shock
8 categories, temperature: 1200 ℃ 1400 ℃, 1600 ℃, 1700 ℃ 180 ℃ o five.


Vacuum tempering furnace of a little common sense

Vacuum tempering furnace of a little common sense

1. Vacuum furnace processing of titanium alloy, unfavorable use nitrogen as cooling gas, because titanium and nitrogen reaction at high temperature, forming the golden titanium nitride.
2. The vacuum furnace active connection parts are all made of type O rubber ring sealing connection, this part is cooled.
3. The workpiece quenching under a vacuum, vacuum quenching oil should be used, the oil has a lower saturated vapor pressure.
4. Vacuum furnace maintenance should be in the condition of vacuum or pure nitrogen inflator, avoid inspiratory when not in use at ordinary times, moisture absorption.
5. The domestic vacuum furnace pressure increase rate should be no greater than 1.33 Pa/h, some enterprises abroad standard Pa 0.67 / h
6. Vacuum heating is given priority to with radiation, should keep distance between artifacts in the oven.
7. In the process of heating workpiece and furnace material will be deflated, resulting in a vacuum.
8. Vacuum tempering, vacuum annealing, vacuum heating of vacuum solid solution treatment and aging temperature generally the same as the conventional heating temperature when processing.
9. Vacuum tempering furnace should have fast cooling device. Cooling water pressure should be greater than 0.2 Mpa, the flow should be adjustable.
10. The cooling gas: steel generally USES ninety-nine point nine nine five percent purity of nitrogen, nitrogen or argon gas, high temperature alloy with ninety-nine point nine nine nine percent of titanium alloy with ninety-nine point nine nine five percent argon gas.
11. Temperature: after into the workpiece, the general first drainage to Pa 6.67 can heat up when heated


The advantages of vacuum furnace

The advantages of vacuum furnace

1, completely eliminates the oxidation and decarburization on the surface of the workpiece during the process of heating, clean surface without metamorphic layer can be obtained. That only when grinding mill side of cutting tools (such as after twist drill grinding groove on the surface of the decarburization layer directly exposed to improve the performance of blade, cutting relationship greatly.
2, on the environment pollution-free, "three wastes" treatment is not required.
3, obviously improve the temperature measurement, the monitoring precision. Indicated value of thermocouple temperature and furnace temperature reached plus or minus 1.5 ° c. But in different parts of a large number of artifacts in the furnace temperature difference is bigger, if USES the rarefied gas forced circulation, can still be controlled within + / - 5 ° c temperature difference.
4, high degree of mechanical and electrical integration. Increase in the temperature measurement and control accuracy, on the basis of the workpiece moving, pressure adjustment, power adjustment, etc all can set programming in advance, according to the steps to implement the quenching and tempering.
5, significantly below the salt bath furnace energy consumption. Modern advanced vacuum furnace heating chamber is made of high quality insulation material of insulation walls and barriers, electric energy can be highly focused on indoor heating, energy saving effect is remarkable.


Pump vacuum furnace temperature is too high

Pump vacuum furnace temperature is too high
Will inevitably be vacuum furnace in the process of using all kinds of fault, pump vacuum furnace temperature is too high? Under the vacuum furnace manufacturers sent gold to share it with a solution.
(1) check the thermostat setting of the temperature control pump is in accordance with the regulations. If not, should be reset.
(2) pump cooling water flow rate of solid scale or other dirt jam for smaller. Lead to rising pump Yun. Because oil pump must have certain viscosity to ensure the sealing of pump. The viscosity is too small, the sealing performance variation. And pump oil viscosity with temperature rise and fall. The sealing of pump, oil saturation vapor pressure increases, vacuum degree reduced. Solution is to dredge waterways. Increase the flow of cooling water, the temperature of the oil pump shall not exceed 0 ℃ o l e., it is about 0 ℃.
(3) components assembly is undeserved, cause wear and tear, should be reassembled.


Vacuum furnace when use have what advantage?

Vacuum furnace when use have what advantage?

Vacuum heat treatment furnace used in industrial processes, and has very important effect, so what's the advantage of vacuum heat treatment furnace? Below we together and see it.
1. When using, can according to demand of air volume control.
2. The heat preservation performance is good, reduce the cost of use.
3. The same equipment, higher cost performance.
4. Can emerge in the water cooling pipe branch the flow of water, etc.
5. According to the condition of users, tailored for different equipment.
Through the above introduction, trust us about the advantage of vacuum heat treatment furnace has been very understand.


Vacuum quenching furnace water quenching method

Vacuum quenching furnace water quenching method
Everyone at the time of vacuum quenching furnace of water quenching, must operate in accordance with the requirements! The following is the vacuum quenching furnace water quenching in detail:
Quenching furnace body is made up of steel and steel plates welded together, the inner wall of the furnace lining is made of stainless steel plate connected to the furnace shell into a whole, within the furnace andfurnace sandwich filling aluminum silicate refractory fibre and used as heat insulation. The oven door design at the bottom of the furnace body, that is to say into or out from the bottom of pass in and out of the artifact. The furnace under the mouth open, oven door closed action with the method of mechanical transmission, through the motor, reducer, chain wheel, chain, guide rails, etc. Heating elements with high resistance alloy resistance band, through a dedicated link arrangement on both sides of the tank, insulation and bladder.
The ventilator is composed of blower and wind deflector, blower motor electrical chain, with the heating element only when the blower after connect to electricity, heating element which can guarantee the heating element can work under the condition of the ventilation and circulation. The charging basket and in and out of the skip by steel welded together, and make adjustment level of center of gravity, lifting up and down. This furnace is equipped with baskets and furnace to ensure that users can work in a timely manner. Feed, feed baskets on the car, pull and push, into the furnace bottom, furnace door open and Yang machine work, hook on the chain, the charging basket hanging charging, shut down the stove for heating. Discharge, open the oven door, turn Yang motor, the charging basket into a pool of water quenching process, and then the material basket on car of the water surface, chain hook, Yang machine upgrade, pull the car out, aging treatment.
At the bottom of the furnace body is equipped with a pool of water, so that the workpiece in this short time into the pool. Control part adopts thyristor, digital readout of temperature control and alarm, etc. Electric furnace in the oven door closing mechanism and loading lifting structure with limited position switch, this switch contact control cabinet power supply, when the workpiece rose to the highest point, turn on the oven door closed power supply, and the contact element power supply. When the oven door to open, to cut off the heating element power, lifting mechanism and connected power supply, quenching furnace decreased artifact for water quenching.


Excellent performance of vacuum furnace

Excellent performance of vacuum furnace

The pressure inside the chamber of a stove or furnace smoke into industrial furnace is lower than the atmospheric pressure. Vacuum furnace heating power, the heated surface oxidation, no decarburization, small deformation, the mechanical performance is good. Use the vacuum furnace smelting metal to remove impurities, less finished pinhole, segregation of small, good quality. Vacuum furnace is suitable for the high quality, high purity, refractory metal melting and heating, such as tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, titanium, heat-resistant alloy steel smelting and magnetic materials, electrical materials of high strength steel, stainless steel, tool steel and die steel, heat treatment.
Before and after vacuum furnace appeared in the 1930 s. In 1927 the United States made electrical material vacuum annealing furnace. Vacuum since 1953 arc furnace power consumption in industry have been used for melting titanium sponge. Before and after the '50 s vacuum induction furnace is widely applied in industry. In 1960 the United States developed oil quenching vacuum furnace.


The basic principle of the vacuum furnace and performance advantages

The basic principle of the vacuum furnace and performance advantages

1.1 the principle of vacuum furnace and structure
Mainly by the furnace, smoke tube, heating coil and a chimney. Using the negative pressure of steam heat exchange technology, the runtime will be used as heat medium of the liquid level control between the smoke and fire tube and the heating coil, the pressure in the furnace is made by high temperature exhaust gas pressure, operation and control the negative pressure condition. Full combustion of fuel burner, heating tube and the fire heat pipe is passed to the pot shell intermediate medium water, boiling water is heated by the liquid into gas phase evaporation, water vapor gradually filled with gas phase space of the furnace body, because the coil is the heating medium and the tube wall temperature is lower than the steam temperature, so that the vapor in the outside wall of the condensing coil, and the heat transfer medium to coil. After the condensation water in gravity whereabouts backwater space. Cycling heat process was realized. To take the negative pressure of heating furnace operations, mainly considering the security issue, the normal pressure will cause the high temperature furnace flue gas leakage, heat loss increase, not only will cause the destruction of the stove itself and the harm to personal safety.
1.2 the advantages of vacuum furnace
(1) safe and reliable, energy saving water. Negative pressure, can be exempt from explosion hazard.
(2) the furnace combustion, the system is not easy to scale. Using pipe, corrugated pipe do itself as a thermal compensation device, with self-cleaning heat bilges cold shrink role, is not easy to scale.
(3) high thermal efficiency, environmental protection and energy saving. Adopts the design of positive pressure combustion type, ensure high efficiency heat transfer, fuel efficiency as high as more than 99%, compared with the traditional boiler, fuel can save about 17%; Low nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide generation makes flue gas emissions clean, no pollution to the environment.
(4) the fuel adaptability is extensive, natural gas is a plus.
(5) the high degree of automation control, the user can on-demand configuration.


Installation of tubular vacuum furnace

Installation of tubular vacuum furnace

1. vacuum furnace Please read this manual carefully before installation
2. Be careful when installation, can't touch quartz tube, parts clean up first
Assembly sequence: external pressure ring 1 from quartz tube into the first, then 1 set of silicone rubber o-rings into, again to set into the internal pressure ring, silicone rubber o-rings then 2 sets into; Strike two silicone rubber circle to the right position, go up to 2 sets of external pressure ring. (note: at this time should adjust within two silicon rubber o-rings and pressure ring position, make the quartz tube end not on outer pressure ring end face, the 2 mm gap) should be reserved.
After installed the diagram below, the appropriate pressure, no card.
The M5 * 30 with inner hexagon spanner socket head cap screw screwing in; (note: before screwing in the tag, again on the threaded hole, screwing should be one by one, each bolt screwing in 90 degrees, so the three screws tighten. Absolutely can't tighten a screw to spin again after another two, to ensure that the three screws evenly at the same time below after tightening the screw assembly of air inlet pipe, valve and pressure gauge assembly: installed at one end, and then insert the quartz tube furnace lining, the quartz tube at the other end also according to the above method to install. After installation of both sides, adjust the quartz tube in the center of the furnace body, then good trachea, the installation is complete.